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Write a composition of no fewer than 120 words,giving your opinion on the following topic:  Smoking should be banned in public places.  Please write your composition on the Answer Sheet. (20 marks)

2022-01-11 09:17


Many people are against the opinion that smoking should be banned in public places for it takes away the smokers’ rights, however, in my mind, it protects more people’s rights and we should strongly support it.
Smoking in public places has many bad effects. On the one hand, it harms the health of the people around, for as we know, smoking can cause more damage to the passive smokers than to the smokers. On the other hand, it pollutes the environment by giving off poisonous gas into the air, which may make other people feel uncomfortable.
Banning smoking in public places is very important and necessary to protect our health and environment. The smokers do have their rights to smoke, but they should enjoy their rights on the basis of not harming that of the others.


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