首页/ 题库 / [单选题]public class TestOne的答案

public class TestOne implements Runnable {  public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception {  Thread t = new Thread(new TestOne());  t.start();  System.out.print(”Started”);  t.join();  System.out.print(”Complete”);  }  public void run() {  for (int i= 0; i< 4; i++) {   System.out.print(i);  }  }  }  What can be a result?()

2022-09-22 14:26



标签: CMS专题
阅读下面程序 public cmass ThreadTest { public static void main(String args[]) { Thread t1=new Thread(new Hello()); Thread t2=new Thread(new Hello()); t1.start(); t2.start(); } } class Hello implements Runnable { int i; public void run() { while(true) { System.out.println("Hello"+i++); it(i==5) break; } } } 此程序创建线程所使用的方法是
请阅读下面程序 public class ThreadTest{ public static void main(String args[]) ( Thread t1=new Thread(new Hello()); Thread t2=new Thread(new Hello()); t1.start(); t2.start(); } } class Hello implements Runnable { int i; public void run() { while(true) { System.out.prinfin("Hello"+i++); if(i=5) break; } } } 该程序创建线程使用的方法是
阅读下面程序 class Test implements Runnable { public static void main(String[] args) { Test t=new Test(); t.start(): } public void run() {} } 下列关于上述程序的叙述正确的是
阅读下面程序 public class Test implements Runnable { public static void main(String[] args) { ______ t.start(); } public void run() { System.out.println("Hello!"); } } 程序中下画线处应填入的正确选项是
阅读下面程序 public class Test implements Runnable{ public static void main(String[]args){ _______________________________________; t. start(); } public void mR(){ System. out. println("Hello!"); }} 在程序下画线处填入正确选项是
下面程序的结果是 #include<iostream.h> class A { public: A( ) {cout<<"construtA"<<endl;} virtual~A( ) {cout<<"destructA"<<endl;}}; class B:public A {}; class C:public A {}; c
下面程序的输出结果是( )。 #include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { public: A( ) {cout<<"A";} } class B { public: B() {coat<<"B" ;} } class C: public A { public: B b; C() {cout<<"C";} } void mian(){ C c; }
编译下面源程序会得到哪些文件( )? Class A4{ } Class A2{ } public class B{ public static void main(String args[ ]){ } }
在下列程序的横线处填上适当的内容,使程序执行后的输出结果为ABCD。 #include<iostream> using namespace std; class A { public:A(){cout<<‘A’;} }; Class B: { public:B(){cout<<‘B’;} }; class C:virtual public A { public:C(){cout<<‘C’;} }; class D:p
You are developing a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service that contains the following service contract.[ServiceContract( )]public interface IPaymentService{ [OperationContract( )] void RecordPayments(Person person);}public class Person{ ... }public class Employee : Person{ ... }public class Customer : Person{ ... }You need to ensure that RecordPayments can correctly deserialize into an Employee or a Customer object. What should you do?()
public class SomeException {  } Class a:  public class a {  public void doSomething() { }  } Class b:  public class b extends a {  public void doSomething() throws SomeException { }  }  Which is true about the two classes?() 
public class TestOne implements Runnable {  public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception {  Thread t = new Thread(new TestOne());  t.start();  System.out.print(”Started”);  t.join();  System.out.print(”Complete”);  }  public void run() {  for (int i= 0; i< 4; i++) {   System.out.print(i);  }  }  }  What can be a result?()
阅读下面代码 public class Test implements Runnable { public void run(Thread t) { System.out.println("Running"); } public static void main(String[] args) { Thread tt=new Thread(new Test()); tt.start(); } } 代码运行的结果是
阅读下面程序 public class Test implements Runnable { public static void main(String[] args) { ______ t.start(); } public void run() { System.out.println("Hello!"); } } 程序中下画线处应填入的正确选项是
阅读下面程序 public class Test implements Runnable{ public static void main(String[]args){ _______________________________________; t. start(); } public void mR(){ System. out. println("Hello!"); }} 在程序下画线处填入正确选项是
运行下列程序,会产生什么结果? ( ) public class X exlends Thread implements Runable{ public void run(){ System.out.println("this is run()"); } public static void main(String args[]) Thread t=new Thread(new X()); t.start(); } }
下面程序的结果是 #include<iostream.h> class A { public: A(){cout<<"construtA" <<endl;} virtual ~A() {cout << "destructA" <<endl;}}; class B:public A { }; class C:public A { }; class D:public B,public C { }; void main() { Dd;}
阅读下面代码 public class Test implements Runnable { public void run(Thread t) { System.out.println("Running"); } public static void main(String[] args) { Thread tt=new Thread(new Test()); tt.start(); } } 代码运行的结果是
阅读下列程序: Public class Test implements Runnable{ Private int x=0l Private int y=0; boolean flag=true; Public static void main(string[]args){ Test r=new Test; Thead tl=new Thead(r); Thead t2=new Thead(r); tl.start; t2.start; } Public void run{ While(flag){ x++; y++; system.out.println("("+x-","+y+")"); if(x>=10) flag=false; } } } 下列对程序运行结果描述的选项中,正确的是( )。
阅读下面程序 public class Test implements Runnable { private int x=0; private int y=0; boolean flag=true; public static void main(String[]args) { Test r=new Test(); Thread t1=new Thread(r); Thread t2=new Thread(r); t1.start(); t2.start(); } public void run() { while(flag) { x++;y++; System.out.println("("+x+","+y+")"); if(x >=10) flag=false; } } } 下列对程序运行结果描述的选项中,正确的是
若有以下程序: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { protected: int a; public: A() { a=10; } }; class A1 : public A { public: A1() { a=a+1; } }; class A2 : public A { public: A2 () { a=a+2; } }; class B : public A1,public A2 { public: B(){} void print() { cout<<a<<end1; } }; int main ( ) { B obj; obj.print(); return 0; } 程序运行后的输出结果是( )。
下面程序的结果是 #include<iostream.h> class A { public: A(){cout<<"construtA" <<endl;} virtual ~A() {cout << "destructA" <<endl;}}; class B:public A { }; class C:public A { }; class D:public B,public C { }; void main() { Dd;}
下列程序的输出结果是 interface Inter{ public final static int A=100; } class My implements Inter{ public static void main (String args[ ]) {System.out.println(A) ; }
阅读下面代码 class Test implements Runnable { public int run() { int i=0; while(true) { i++; System.out.println("i="+i); } } } 上述代码的编译结果是
有如下程序: #include <iostream.h> class x { protected: int a; public: x() { a=1; } }; class x1 : virtual public x { public: x1() { a+=1; cout<<a; } }; class x2 : virtual public x { public: x2() { a+=2; cout<<a; } }; class y : public xl,public x2 { public: y() { cout<<a<<end1; } }; int main() { y obj; return O; } 该程序运行后的输出结果是( )。
若有以下程序: #include<iostream> using namespace Std; Class Base {public: Base() {x=0;} int x;}; class Derivedl:virtua1 public Base {public: Derived1() {x=10;}}; class Derived2:virtual1 public Base {public: Derived2()
设有如下程序: #include <iostream> using namespace std; class A { public: int i; display() { cout<<"class A "; } }; class B { public: int i; display() { cout<<"class B "; } }; class C : public A, public B { int j; public: int i; show ( ) { j = i * i; display(); } }; int main() { C demo; demo.show(); return O; } 则主程序运行时将( )。
设有如下程序:#include <iostream. h>class A{public:int i;display(){ cout<<"class A "; }};class B{public:int i;display(){ cout<<"class B "; }};class C: public: A, public: B{int j;public:int i;show(){ j=i*i; display(); }};void main(){C demo;demo. show();}则主程序运行时,将( )。
编译下面源程序文件会得到的文件是( )。 class A1 {} class A2 { public class B { public static void main(String args[]) {} }}
下面程序的运行结果是 #include<iostream.h> class base{ protected: int a; public: base(){cout <<"0";} }; class basel:virtual base{ public: basel () {cout <<"1";} }; class base2:virtual base{ public: base2(){cout <<"2";} }; class derived:public basel,public base2{ public: derived(){cout <<"3";} }; void main() { derived obj; cout <<end1; }
下列程序的执行结果是______。 class A1 implements Runnable { public void run() { for(iht i = 0; i < 10; i++) { System.out.println("i =" + i); if(i == 3) break; } } } public class ex38 { public static void main(String[] args) { Thread th1 = new Thread(new A1()); th1.start (); } }
运行下列程序,会产生什么结果? ( ) public class X exlends Thread implements Runable{ public void run(){ System.out.println("this is run()"); } public static void main(String args[]) Thread t=new Thread(new X()); t.start(); } }
