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Mike ________ his的答案

The writer and his brother ________.

He asked his neighbor to ________  his house.

Mike ______ his colleagues when the phone rang. 

Mike ________ his computer and checked his E-mail. 

The love and support of his family ______ him during his difficult times.( )
All his energies are ____________ upon the job and he seems to have little time for his family.
Having lost his job and his family, Jerry felt himself __________ by anger and sadness.
He left ____________ sobbing at last, and dried his eyes with his handkerchief
The love and support of his family ______ him during his difficult times.
He stumbled ____________ the staircase and hurt his leg.
15. The love and support of his family ______ him during his difficult times.
10. The love and support of his family ______ him during his difficult times.
48[单选题,1.3分] His muscles are firmest and his ______ colds and infections is highest.
The example of the author and his mother shows __________.
Greatly and permanently affected by the ________ experiences, Hemingway formed his own writing style, together with his theme and hero.
He ________ to his customers and halved the price.
According to Wang Qiang, the characteristics of a language teacher include his ____, his ____, and his ____.
I __________ his efforts and I wish him well.
Wisky and soda ______ his favorite drink
His answer is not correct, and _______
