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— What does CIF r的答案


—— We had a very small budget and I had to make decisions on what to buy.

——                  so you're a good planner.


 —Linda, what's wrong with your grandmother?

 —                      .

— What’s the purpose of your visit today?


– What are your great strengths?


— What advice would you give to a friend who wants cosmetic surgery?


— What do you want to be?


— Let’s go to this movie and see what exciting experience it will bring to us.


— What would you like to have for breakfast?

—                      . Would you like to have a taste?

What starting salary do you expect?


— What kind of event are you going to plan?


He says what he thinks and does what he wants to do, ________ other peoples feelings. 


— I'm not sure what I'll do. I hope to watch TV and enjoy myself.

— What kind of music are you going to have in the background?

— Light ones.                      .

Jamie wants to speak to me         private.



— According to law, they refer to transportation, construction, finance, insurance and the like.


— What does CIF refer to?


Listen to the two girls by the window. What language        ?  

—  What do you think of the song?












