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Tony is going cam的答案


What are you going to do this weekend?

一_________________________. If time permits, I may go to Shanghai with my friends.

Would you like to go to the concert with us? 

 _________________, but Ive promised to help Jim with his Chinese. Thank you all the same.

His action is always ______ with his words

He is ________ this company. 

How’s your mother doing?


Do you mind if I record your lecture?

_________________. Go ahead.


Everything is going smoothly.

What is your job? 

I'm ____________ accountant.

How did your talk with the community resident go?   

________ He seemed to accept my explanationbut he didn’t sign his name here .  

Can you go skating with us this afternoon? 

Sorry, I can’t. I ________ take care of my little sister at home.

Solar cooking is a _______cooking method.

Tony is going camping with ___ boys. 

- Sorry, I can’t go camping with you. I have to prepare well enough for the entrance exam.
- ________! We can camp together next time.
—I'm going camping this weekend. —________.
—I\'m going camping this weekend. —________.
1.The reason why the toys most boys play with are different from those that girls play with is that ________.
—I.m going camping this weekend. —________.
Fill in the blanks with one of the items given below :This story is about a boy who ____________ friends __________ a snake (makes , will make , is making ;with , to , over )
42. —Will you go camping with us this weekend?—Good idea,if it _________.

Tony is going camping with ___ boys. 

