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---  We’d be plea的答案



— Please accept my sincere regrets for not being able to join you.

If you have any questions here, please tell us. We'll all be          to help you.

— Betty, we'll have a buffet party next Saturday. Will you join us?
— _______ , Susan. Thank you!

---  We’ve booked a table. We hope you can join us?

---  _________________________________

---  We’d be pleased if you could join us for dinner.

---  ____________________________________

If you will please _____ our last letter you will notice that we ask for bank reference.

You\'d better take these documents with you _____ you need them for the meeting.

We should be obliged if you could furnish us _____ a detailed report____ the financial position, business lines and other aspects of the joint venture.
I’d like to know if you could ______ the details of the accident.
I’d rather you ( ) make any comment on the issue for the time being.
____ you like other items, kindly let us know and we shall be only too pleased to make you offers direct. 选项
We would very much( )it if you could do us a favor.
You are just _____ for the game Please come and join us
We would appreciate it if we could be your sole distributor
I'm hungry. Could you get a sandwich for()please?
We()if you could give us whatever information you can in this respect.
It should be()if you could immediately()what quantity you can supply us at present.

We have made()that we would accept D/P terms for your present order.

If you can improve your price by 3%,we shall be prepared to()for 5,000 metric tons.
Waiter: Hello, sir. ?Customer: Could you give us a second, please?Waiter: Sure.
