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China has many is的答案


________  a company really wants is a candidate ________ has the right skills.

Bean is ___ in the northeastern part of China.

---- ______________________________

---- Yeah. It is the only professional museum about the railway system in China.

Tony has many Chinese ______. 

China has many islands, ____ the largest is Taiwan. 

The carpet has so many stains on it that it needs _____.

In terms of landmass, Australia is the ________ largest country in the world.
In terms of landmass, Australia is the ________ largest country in the world.
_____ is announced in today’s paper, China has succeeded in launching the second manned spacecraft Shenzhou
China has a large population than ______ in the world.
The largest lake in Britain is _____. ( )
_____ is the largest state in area in the U.S.A.
. ______ is known to us all is that China has launched Shenzhou V spaceship successfully.
England is an island country. _______ consists of three principal islands, and _______ climate is generally mild.
_____ is announced in today‘s paper, China has succeeded in launching the second manned spacecraft Shenzhou 6.
( ) 6. China is famous ______the Great Wall.
The elephant is the largest animal _________(现存的)
By ______, China has replaced the US to become the worlds largest auto market
Since the beginning of this century, China has built many modern conference centers with underground parking, air-conditioning and _________translation systems
The author of the report is well _________ with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years ( )
