首页/ 题库 / [单选题]In our country, the 的答案
In our view, the root __________ of the crime problem is poverty and unemployment.
It is one __________best sellers in our country now.
In terms of landmass, Australia is the ________ largest country in the world.
The purpose of the Immigration Restriction Act in 1901 is to restrict ________ immigrant numbers.
It is one __________best sellers in our country now.
In terms of landmass, Australia is the ________ largest country in the world.
The purpose of the Immigration Restriction Act in 1901 is to restrict ________ immigrant numbers.
Bob is one of the ______ in our school.
JTL Company will ________ our business of bicycle sales in the country.
Our country is trying to _____ the serious problems created by the environment al pollution.
The United States today is the _____ largest country in size in the world.
The purpose of the passage is ________.
In our country every boy and every girl ____ the right to education.
In terms of education systems, one cannot say that one system in one country is better than _____.( )
There is no doubt __________Herbert is the most industrious student in our class.
Our classroom is _____ in the school building.
Everyone will agree that food in the south is as good as ______ in the country
The purpose of the author in writing this passage is to ____________( )
English is the necessary foreign language in our school’s ________
The old men and the children must____in our country
