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He is not()to un的答案

He is not()to understand the market situation.

2021-12-31 18:45
A、so quick
B、quick enough
C、enough quick
D、as quick as



Where a container,pallet or similar article of transport is used to consolidate goods,the number of packages or units enumerated in the bill of lading as packed in such article of transport()to be the number of packages or units in calculating the amount beyond which the carrier or the ship is not reliable.
Each life preserver must be readily accessible to the person for whom it is intended while he or she is().
Each life preserver must be readily accessible to the person for whom it is intended while he or she is().

Project selection methods involve measuring value or attractiveness to the project owner or sponsor and may include other organizational decision criteria ()is not a project selection method.

Project selection methods involve measuring value or attractiveness to the project owner or sponsor and may include other organizational decision criteria. ( )is not a project selection method.
He is not()to understand the market situation.
Project selection methods involve measuring value or attractiveness to the project owner or sponsor and may include other organizational decision criteria ()is not a project selection method.
Once the port has been named and accepted by,or on behalf of,the Shipowner,he can not afterwards refuse to go()__ on the ground that it is not safe.
The Shipowner must not stow goods on deck()there is a trade usage to that effect or the Charterer has given his express or implied consent.
If you do not know the subject, you will not understand what is said or written, even if English is your mother () what is said or written.

He asked me ___________ Zhang Hua came to school or not. 

It is the ability to do the job ______ matters not where you come from or what you are.

Every child is unique. Don’t        him or her to others.

(单项选择)Not until they got married _______ that he is a rude man.
I am going away. or not she will go is up to her to decide.
[单选题,1.3分] Fred is second to none in maths in our class, but believe it or not, he _______ passed the last exam.
“To be or not to be----that is the question ” is taken from_______.
He is not ( ) he used to be.
[选择题,2分] If such a work is hundreds or thousands of years old and is still admired, there is probably something to it.
He is not ( ) he used to be

He is not()to understand the market situation.

When the Pilot is embarked he or she ().
When the pilot is embarked he or she().
If a child is deprived of linguistic environment, he or she is unlikely to learn a language successfully later on.
In the absence of a custom or special contract to the contrary,the Shipowner is not bound to ()the consignees that he is ready to unload on arriving at the port of discharge.
Text 4 Humor, which ought to give rise to only the most light-hearted and ** feelings, can often stir up vehemence and animosity. Evidently it is dearer to us than we realize. Men will take almost any kind of criticism except the observation that they have no sense of humour. A man will admit to being a coward or a liar or a thief or a poor mechanic or a bad swimmer, but tell him he as a dreadful sense of humour and you might as well have slandered his mother. Even if he is civilized enough to pretend to make light of your statement, he will still secretly believe that he has not only a good sense of humour but are superior to most. He has, in other words, a completely blind spot on the subject. This is all the more surprising when you consider that not one man in ten million can give you any kind of intelligent answer as to what humour is or why he laughs.
If you learn to read the signs, you can tell whether what a person says is what he really means, or whether, like the man whose stomach does not move when he laughs, he is trying to deceive you.()
If a teacher gives commands in English and asks students to show understanding by action or gestures,he / she is most probably using___.
If he is a common carrier,he is absolutely responsible to the owner of the goods carried ()any loss or damage to them unless caused by an Act of God or the Queen’s enemies,or the inherent vice in the goods themselves,or the negligence of the owner of the goods,or a general average sacrifice.
If a teacher gives commands in English and asks students to show understanding by action or gestures,he / she is most probably using__.
