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The man()the gate when he realized that we had spotted him.

2021-12-31 19:26
A、made off
B、made for
C、made out
D、made u



标签: 专升本英语
Fire protection and manning regulations for towing vessels state that the Master or person in charge must ensure that all crew members who have not participated in the drills or received the safety orientation().
What happened when the man let go the rope?
It is abnormal that when the engine is being turned by the turning gear or by hand, ().
A man is 36 years old. He asks the other man how old he is. The other man answers: “I am twice as old as you were when I was as old as you are today.” How old is the other man?
A man is 48 years old. He asks the other man how old he is. The other man answers: “I am twice as old as you were when I was as old as you are today.” How old is the other man?
When he saw the man strike the child, his face grew red with _____.
When he was told that he scored 58 in the final examination, he was in a comfort of remorse.
Henry's job was to examine cars which crossed the frontier to make sure that they were not smuggling anything into the country. Every morning,except at weekends,he (11) see a factory worker coming up the hill towards the frontier, (12) a bicycle with a big load of old straw on it. When the bicycle arrived the frontier,Henry used to stop the man and order him to take the straw off. Then he would examine the straw very carefully to see (13) he could find anything,after which he would look in all the man's pockets before he let him tie the straw up again. The man would then put it on his bicycle and go off down the hill with it. Although Henry was always (14) to find gold or jewelry or other valuable things hidden in the straw,he never found (15) ,even though he examined it very carefully. He was sure that the man was smuggling something,but he was not (16) 鱼to imagine what it could be.Then one evening,after he had looked through the straw and emptied the factory worker's pockets (17) usual,he said to him,“Listen,I know that you are smuggling things (18) this frontier. Won't you tell me what it is that you're bringing into the country so successfully? I'm an old man,and today's my last day on the job. Tomorrow I'm going to (19) . I promise that I shall not tell anyone if you tell me what you've been smuggling. ”The factory worker did not say anything for (20) . Then he smiled,turned to Henry and said quietly:“Bicycles. ”
If the Shipowner relies on an excepted peril,he must()that the loss or damage was caused thereby.
When the young man walked into the office to see the headmaster, he had ______.
The writer became aware of her memory problem when she realized that she had ______.
When the author wrote “KEXP did not release numbers” in Paragraph 4, he or she most probably meant that KEXP did not.
____ when he saw his wife’s face did Tom realize the true meaning of her remark.
When he arrived at the airport ,Mr. Smith found that he_________his ticket in the office.
He was sure that the man was ______ any crime.
( )Tom was disappointed that most of the guests _____ when he ____at the party.
I was my topic when I realized that he had the point of my last one .
When the old man got home,he found his window open,but he didn.t find any being stolen.
He had an illusion when he entered the hotel that the gatekeeper was a ___(detect)
The man told me that by the end of the week he _______ away from his hometown for 20 years
It does not alter the fact that he was the man ______for the death of the little boy
1_____education is the instruction that occurs when the instructor and students are separated by distance or time,or both
When the train_____, all the school students were surprised to see that the Carlisle team had one man only.
When the Pilot is embarked he or she ().
When the pilot is embarked he or she().
The author suggests that a man becomes a philosopher when he ______.
The man()the gate when he realized that we had spotted him.
When the author mentions the Indian fakir, he suggests that______.
He soon received promotion, for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable _____.
---- Look! The man at the gate ________ be our headmaster. He is always standing there every morning.
Text 4 Humor, which ought to give rise to only the most light-hearted and ** feelings, can often stir up vehemence and animosity. Evidently it is dearer to us than we realize. Men will take almost any kind of criticism except the observation that they have no sense of humour. A man will admit to being a coward or a liar or a thief or a poor mechanic or a bad swimmer, but tell him he as a dreadful sense of humour and you might as well have slandered his mother. Even if he is civilized enough to pretend to make light of your statement, he will still secretly believe that he has not only a good sense of humour but are superior to most. He has, in other words, a completely blind spot on the subject. This is all the more surprising when you consider that not one man in ten million can give you any kind of intelligent answer as to what humour is or why he laughs.
If you learn to read the signs, you can tell whether what a person says is what he really means, or whether, like the man whose stomach does not move when he laughs, he is trying to deceive you.()
