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On the day of the accident, part of the old road ______.

2021-12-31 19:52
A、was damaged
B、was broadened to make traffic easier
C、was under repair
D、was closed to cars


    37.答案为C  此考题为细节题。根据第2段第1句中Anyway,the men were repairing part of the road...,我们完全可以认定C正确。


The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth ___________ month.

The police are trying to find out the ________ of the woman killed in the traffic accident.
This photo __ __ me of the days when I worked on the farm many years ago.
The old lady _____and fell from the top of the stairs to the bottom.
Australia is one of the few countries ____ people drive on the left of the road.
Was it in front of the market____ the road accident happened yesterday?
The front and side parts of the brain relate to all of the following aspects expect ___________.( )
The upper part of him that would show above the table would ________ no doubt in the mind of the waiter.
From the top of the building, you can see at least ______ distance of 100 kilometers on ______ clear day.
The major concern of ______ fiction lies in the tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature.
The major concern of  ______ fiction lies in the tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human  nature.
The custom of visiting friends, relatives and neighbors on New Year’s Day is one the Old World traditions that has ______ a new form in the United States
They lives ___ the other side of the road
One of the benefits of the new model is that it is easier_____than the old one
All the rooms of the house opened on to a _________ (The Unfortunate Story of the Lost Money)
On the day of the accident, part of the old road ______.
The bottom of the mast rests on a part of the keel called the mast().
Tom“s school was on the other side of the road, so he was told to watch out for cars when____ the street.
The ratio of the work done by the machine______________the work done on it is called the efficiency of the machine.
The mother often warned her children ______ the road because of the heavy traffic.
