首页/ 题库 / [单选题]If you ______ my adv的答案
You can’t expect her_________on time if you are late yourself.
Wouldn’t it be ____________ wonderful situation if we two can live in ____________ peace?
Wouldn’t it be _____ wonderful world of all countries if the world lived in _____ peace with one another?
You can write to him if you ____________ my word
–If you were in my position, what would you do? – _________________
—you______( )_____ stop me.
—Even if you __________it, I won\'t allow you to swim across the river.
Wouldn’t it be _____ wonderful world of all countries if the world lived in _____ peace with one another?
Don\'t you know _____, my dear friend, it is you that she loves?
Would you please let me finish my words? Don\'t __________ in the middle of a sentence.
I can' t__________you that I' 11 be able to come,but I' 11 do my best.
You can.t ______ in the hall.
If you have never planted anything, you won’t be able to know the pleasure of watching the thing you have planted _____.
I want you to be very _______when you look in the park for the missing woman so you won’t miss her. ( )
I took it for __________ that you wouldn.t come here again.
If the sun____rise in the west,my love for you would be unchanged
If I hadn’t listened to you, I would _______ (make) such a silly mistake
If you haven’t set a goal in your studies, _______
Wouldn’t it be _____ wonderful world if all nations lived in ______ peace with one another
(单选、25分) I can t__________you that I 11 be able to come,but I 11 do my best
If you don’t __________smoking, you will never get recovered
