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By saying "Let's hope that this time it really will be the last one", the father meant that ______.

2021-12-31 23:01
A、he wished people had not built the bonfire
B、he hoped people would not build any more bonfires
C、he hoped there would be no more wars in the world
D、he wished the Second World War had not happened


43.文章最后一段提到作者的父亲参加过第一次世界大战,并且当第一次世界大战结束时似乎也有过这样的庆祝。但这并未阻止第二次世界大战的爆发。因此,当人们第二次庆祝世界大战的结束时,父亲发出深深的忧虑和期盼:真希望世界不会再有战争。选项 C是正确的。

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