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International tra的答案

International trade gives consumers and countries the opportunity to ________ goods and services not available in their own countries.

2021-07-17 19:29
、be exposed to
、be exposing to
、expose to

be exposed to


The international trade needs the () to fulfill its transaction.
The package specification in the international trade is () than domestically.
International trade gives consumers and countries the opportunity to() goods andservices not available in their own countries. 

your/sure/between/I am/will help/present visit/economic and trade/promote/relations/our two countries

Benefited or Hurt
For the most part, it seems, workers in rich countries have little to fear from globalization, and a lot to gain. But is the same thing true for workers in poor countries? The answer is that they are even more likely than their rich country counterparts to benefit, because they have less to lose and more to gain. Orthodox economics takes an optimistic line on integration and the developing countries. Openness to foreign trade and investment should encourage capital to flow to poor economies. In the developing world, capital is scarce, so the returns on investment there should be higher than in the industrialized countries, where the best opportunities to make money by adding capital to labor have already been used up. If pool countries lower their barriers to trade and investment, the theory goes: rich foreigners wilt want to send over some of their capital.
If this inflow of resources arrives in the form of loans or portfolio investment, it will supplement domestic savings and loosen the financial constraint on additional investment by local companies. If it arrives in the form of new foreign controlled operations, FDI, so much the better: this kind of capital brings technology and skills from abroad packaged along with it, with less financial risk as well. In either case, the addition to investment
ought to push incomes up, partly by raising the demand for labor and partly by making labor more productive. This why workers in FDI receiving countries should be in an even better position to profit from integration than workers in FDI sending countries. Also, with or without inflows of foreign capital, the same static and dynamic gains from trade should apply in developing countries as in rich ones. This gain from trade logic often arouses suspicion, because the benefits seem to come from nowhere. Surely one side or the other must lose. Not so. The benefits that a rich country gets though trade do not come at the expense of its poor country trading partners, or vice versa. Recall that according to the theory, trade is a positive sum game. In all these transactions, sides exporters and importers, borrowers and lenders, shareholders and workers can gain.

According to the passage, who may be reasonably afraid of the globalization?
Multilateral trade involves at least two parties dealing with international trade.
()are the barriers to international trade.
() are the barriers to international trade.
The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously ______ relations between the two countries.
If you make different trade in different countries, you must take different transport modes? ()
The international trade needs the() to fulfill it’s transaction.
The main purpose of the Customs supervision and control is to ()China’s economic, trade,scientific, technological and cultural exchanges with other countries。
Benefited or Hurt
For the most part, it seems, workers in rich countries have little to fear from globalization, and a lot to gain. But is the same thing true for workers in poor countries? The answer is that they are even more likely than their rich country counterparts to benefit, because they have less to lose and more to gain. Orthodox economics takes an optimistic line on integration and the developing countries. Openness to foreign trade and investment should encourage capital to flow to poor economies. In the developing world, capital is scarce, so the returns on investment there should be higher than in the industrialized countries, where the best opportunities to make money by adding capital to labor have already been used up. If pool countries lower their barriers to trade and investment, the theory goes: rich foreigners wilt want to send over some of their capital.
If this inflow of resources arrives in the form of loans or portfolio investment, it will supplement domestic savings and loosen the financial constraint on additional investment by local companies. If it arrives in the form of new foreign controlled operations, FDI, so much the better: this kind of capital brings technology and skills from abroad packaged along with it, with less financial risk as well. In either case, the addition to investment
ought to push incomes up, partly by raising the demand for labor and partly by making labor more productive. This why workers in FDI receiving countries should be in an even better position to profit from integration than workers in FDI sending countries. Also, with or without inflows of foreign capital, the same static and dynamic gains from trade should apply in developing countries as in rich ones. This gain from trade logic often arouses suspicion, because the benefits seem to come from nowhere. Surely one side or the other must lose. Not so. The benefits that a rich country gets though trade do not come at the expense of its poor country trading partners, or vice versa. Recall that according to the theory, trade is a positive sum game. In all these transactions, sides exporters and importers, borrowers and lenders, shareholders and workers can gain.According to the passage, who may be reasonably afraid of the globalization?

        the expansion of international trade, the container service has become popular。

Importing and exporting is transferring goods from one country to another while _______ attention to the laws and requirements of bringing goods out or into that country.

International trade gives consumers and countries the opportunity to ________ goods and services not available in their own countries.

The most important issue in international trade is _________.
The different trading indifferent countries can ___________.( )
The conference ____ the possibility of closer trade links between the two countries.
The trade agreement between the two countries will [_] next year.
(阅读理解题)The World Trade Organization (WTO), founded on January 1, 1995, aims to encourage international trade to flow as freely as possible, making sure that trade agreements are respected and that any disputes can be settled.   In the five years since its founding, the WTO has become well known as one of the world.s most powerful economic organizations, taking its place alongside the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (国际货币基金组织).   The system of global rules for international trade, however, dates back half a century to 1948 when the General Agreement on Tariffs (关税) and Trade (GATT) was formed after World War II.   As time went by, it became clear that the GATT had two major drawbacks—the limited areas of trade it covered, and the lack of an effective system to settle disputes.   After seven years of trade talks ending in 1994, the so-called Uruguay Round (乌拉圭回合谈判) finally gave birth to the WTO, complete with an effective system to settle disputes and to form new rules covering trade in services and intellectual property.   Even after seven years of talks and with 22,500 pages of agreements reached problems remained, especially in the difficult-to-deal-with areas of agriculture and services. (1). What is the purpose of the WTO?
The financing of international trade is more complex than that of domestic trade. ‘That’ here means .
Coal mining industry in Britain provides of the energy consumed in the country.
Reasons for the increasing use of counter trade include: firstly, the world debt 1has made ordinary trade financing very 2Many countries cannot 3 the trade credit or financial4 to pay for desired imports Secondly, countries are increasingly returning to the notion of bilateralism as a way to reduce trade 5 Thirdly, counter trade is often viewed 6an excellent mechanism to gain entry 7new markets The party receiving the goods may become a new 8, opening up new international marketing channels and ultimately9 the market And lastly,10 counter trade services helps sellers differentiate its products from those of competitors
International trade-the exchange of goods and services1borders is often explained by the theory of comparative advantage which has become the cornerstone of modern thinking2 international trade This theory was produced by David Ricardo3was an English economist in the nineteenth century This theory points out that trade between countries can be 4 beneficial even if a country is less 5than another in the production of every commodity As6as there are minor, relative differences in the efficiency of producing a commodity,7the poor country can have a comparative advantage in producing 8 comparative advantage is not a static concept A country may 9 a particular comparative advantage purely through its own actions, independent of the endowments of nature A case in point is Switzerland’s10advantage in watchmakin
WTO has been formed to dismantle trade barriers and provide a better environment for international business ‘Dismantle’ here means _______
(阅读理解)阅读理解In international trade, people buy and sell goods and then send them from one country to another It can be a very risky business If the goods are lost or damaged or if delivery does not take place as scheduled for some other reasons, the climate of confidence between the parties may deteriorate to the point where a lawsuit I launched Nevertheless, the seller and the buyer in international transactions want their deal to be successfully completedFrequently, the parties to international transaction are not aware of the different trading practice in their counterpart’s country This can give rise to misunderstanding, disputes and even litigation, causing waste of time and money In order to avoid these problems and reduce to the minimum the uncertainties of different interpretations of the trade terms, the International Chamber of Commerce prepared and published in1936 a set of international rules, that is, International Rules for the Incoterms of Trade Terms(Incotems for short), and the interpretation of the most commonly unused trade termsSince 1936, the Incoterms have been revised several times to take account of changes in transportation techniques and to render them fully compatible with the new developments in electronic data interchange Amendments and additions were made in 1953, 1967, 1976, 1980 and 1990 in order to bring the rules in line with current international trade practicesNow the Incoterms are presented in a new format with allows both the seller and the buyer to follow a step-by-step process to determine their respective rights andobligations and the new layout makes Incoterms 1990 easier to use If when preparing their contract, both the seller and the buyer specifically refer to one of the Incoterms, they can be sure of defining their respective responsibilities simply and safely In doing so, they can eliminate any possibility of misunderstanding and subsequent disputesThe Incoterms having been amended several times, have become a very useful guideline in international trade and thus fostered greatly in expansionChoose the best answer based on Part C(1)In international trade the selling and buying goods across countries can be risky, because ___________( )
阅读理解In international trade, people buy and sell goods and then send them from one country to another It can be a very risky business If the goods are lost or damaged or if delivery does not take place as scheduled for some other reasons, the climate of confidence between the parties may deteriorate to the point where a lawsuit I launched Nevertheless, the seller and the buyer in international transactions want their deal to be successfully completedFrequently, the parties to international transaction are not aware of the different trading practice in their counterpart’s country This can give rise to misunderstanding, disputes and even litigation, causing waste of time and money In order to avoid these problems and reduce to the minimum the uncertainties of different interpretations of the trade terms, the International Chamber of Commerce prepared and published in1936 a set of international rules, that is, International Rules for the Incoterms of Trade Terms(Incotems for short), and the interpretation of the most commonly unused trade termsSince 1936, the Incoterms have been revised several times to take account of changes in transportation techniques and to render them fully compatible with the new developments in electronic data interchange Amendments and additions were made in 1953, 1967, 1976, 1980 and 1990 in order to bring the rules in line with current international trade practicesNow the Incoterms are presented in a new format with allows both the seller and the buyer to follow a step-by-step process to determine their respective rights andobligations and the new layout makes Incoterms 1990 easier to use If when preparing their contract, both the seller and the buyer specifically refer to one of the Incoterms, they can be sure of defining their respective responsibilities simply and safely In doing so, they can eliminate any possibility of misunderstanding and subsequent disputesThe Incoterms having been amended several times, have become a very useful guideline in international trade and thus fostered greatly in expansionChoose the best answer based on Part C(1)In international trade the selling and buying goods across countries can be risky, because ___________( )
If you make different trade in different countries, you must take different transport modes? ()

Our annual sales revenue has()since we began international trade.

The international transport and the international logistics are same. Is it correct or not? ()
国际贸易(International Trade)
