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This operating sy的答案

This operating system feature is controlled by a mouse and changes shape depending on its current function.

2021-07-17 19:34
、dialog box



An operator is asked to rewind and eject a tape from a system. Which command will accomplish this without touching the tape drive?()
The voltage developed by an AC generator is controlled by varying the ()
第一组An automatic system usually consists of a control system and an information system. A control system is a system which measures the condition of some entity and, with the information, governs the state of a variable; i.e., speed, temperature, pressure, position, etc. The open-loop system is the simplest form. a control system may assume. It is distinguished from the closed-loop system by the lack of an input which measures the state of the controlled variable; such an input is called a feedback. In modern ships the open-loop system has practically disappeared and the closed-loop system which operates with a feed-back is extensively used. An information system serves the parallel function of monitoring system or plant performance. The monitoring function may serve a number of purposes; specifically it may indicate values of controlled variables to guide remote control operations, warn of off-limit conditions and provide record of performance. In many cases a visual and audible alarm may be provided to warn of off-limit conditions on board ship and, associated with this, the important variables will be recorded on demand. The automatic control system can be more sophisticated by incorporating digital-processing equipment, that is, a computer. This computer is usually fed with signals from all sensors. It scans the values of the sensors and generates alarm signals for off-limit conditions, acting as a super-supervisor. Sometimes, it can even make necessary and take the necessary action to optimize performance without human intervention.The closed-loop system differs from the open-loop system by
The series of valves used to control the return flow in well control operations is called the().
Quality control is normally performed by the()。
Faulty operation of any system is indicated by very definite ().
●An Embedded System is a (72)designed for specific control functions within a larger system.
The preferred method of controlling external bleeding is by().
The natural order hypothesis is presumed by Krashen to be the result of the learned system, operating free of conscious grammar.()
Diesel engine air start valve timing is controlled by()
In the starting system, the automatic valve is controlled by(), and the cylinder start valves are controlled by()
●A (68) is a feature of the system or adescription of something the system is capable of doing in order to fulfill the system's purpose.

It should ____ that franchising is one of the means available for getting investment money without giving up control of the chain operation and building a distribution system for servicing it.

This is a highly ______ new heating system.


One of the functions of an operating system is memory management.

This area of artificial intelligence is also known as expert systems.

This operating system feature is controlled by a mouse and changes shape depending on its current function.

The mobile operating system developed by Apple and originally called iPhone OS .

This story is about some American students      learnt business skills by operating their own banks.

This is a real bank       is operated by students between 10 and 12 years old.

operating system     的中文释义为()

operating system     的中文释义为“操作系统”

In a domestic fresh water system, the pump starters are controlled by () switches which operate when the pressure in the tank varies within predetermined limits as water is drawn off.
Man is controlled by his _____ as well as by his reason.
Man is a “victim of forces over which he has no control. ” This is a notion held strongly by ________.
A digital computer controlled system is only designed for discrete variable
Passage through the Suez Canal is operated on a () system.
When an operator is trying to log off the system displays this message: you have running jobs?? What does this mean?()
MIMD systems can be classified into(150)-oriented systems, high-availability systems and response-oriented systems.The goal of(150)-oriented multiprocessing is to obtain high(150)(151)minimal computing cost. The techniques employed by multiprocessor operating systems to achieve this goal take advantage of an inherent processing versus input/output balance in the workload to produce(152)and(153). loading of system(154)
MIMD systems can be classified into(71)-oriented systems, high-availability systems and response-oriented systems. The goal of(71). oriented multiprocessing is to obtain high(71)(72)minimal computing cost. The techniques employed by multiprocessor operating systems to achieve this goal take advantage of an inherent processing versus input/output balance in the workload to produce(73)and(74)loading of system(75).
●MIMD systems can be classified into(71)oriented systems,highavailability systems and responseoriented systems.The goal of(71).orlented multiprocessing is to obtain high(71)(72)minimal computing cost.The techniques employed by multiprocessor operating systems to achieve this goal take advantage of an inherent processing versus input/output balance in the workload to produce(73)and(74)loading of system(75).
The VDR system is designed to operate()once it is set up correctly.There is no user interaction.
