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-Hello! Are you John Smith? -()

2022-01-01 10:35
A、Yes, I am.
B、I do.
C、I'm fine.
D、Oh, good.



标签: 专升本英语
-Hello! Are you John Smith? -()
John, how lazy you are! This work ______ three days ago.
John: Hello! This is John speaking.  Susan: Good evening, John. This is Susan.  John: How nice to hear you! Are you ready yet, Susan?  Susan: Yes, I am. By the way, ______   John: Just now the weather report said it’s going to rain.
给出下面程序段: if(x>0){System.out.printlh("Hello. ");} else if(x>-3){System.out.println("Nice to meet you!");} else{System.out.println("How are you?");} 若打印字符串"How are you?",则x的取值范围是
给出下面程序段: if(x>0) {System.out.printin("Hello.");} else if(x>-3) { System.out.println("Nice to meet you!");} else{System.out.println("How are you?");} 若打印字符串"How are you?",则x的取值范围是( )。
Practice 1  情景:John去找Smith,请他参加年度英语晚会,正巧他不在。  任务:请你以John的名义用英语给Smith写一张50词左右的便条。  内容包括:  ·你何时来的;  ·邀请他去参加年度英语晚会,正巧他不在:  ·年度英语晚会的时间和地点;  ·晚会都有哪些节目;  ·请他尽快跟你联系。  要求:格式准确,表达清楚,字迹工整。  参考词汇:年度英语晚会(the annual English evening)  请用下面格式。Aug. 17th, 2010  Dear Smith,  …John
Hello, how are you?()
Hello. Is that Mr.White or Mr.Smith speaking? Sorry,()
Good morning, John . How are you doing?()
Waiter: Would you like to have one bill or separate bills,sir?  John: It’s my treat. One bill,please.  Paul: You paid last time. ______  John: Well,all right if you insist. But next time you must let me pay.
【参考范例九】Education Are you with a job or are you studying?
— Hello, Linda. How are you? — Hello, Rose, how do you do?
"— Hello, Linda. How are you? — Hello, Rose, how do you do?"

Hello, everyone. I'd like to         to you our new secretary, Melinda Smith.

Are you married or single?
Are you Prof. Smith from England ?
A: Hi, John. This is my friend, Mary. B: You are good, John.
A: Hello! Are you John Smith? B: Yes, I am.
A: Hello! This is Lee. I want to speak to Smith. B: This is Smith.
13 Not long ago, John Smith, whom you know very well, was ________a car accident
Nobody but Smith and John () in the lab yesterday
Good morning, John . How are you doing?()
Nice to see you again, Mr. Smith. How are you?()
-Hello! Are you John Smith? -()
John: Hello, Maria!______.
How are you,Bob?—greetings/How do you do?Hello!Hi!What’s up?()Ted

Smith和John玩数字匹配游戏,每个人选择1、2、3,如果数字相同, John给Smith 3美元,如果不同,Smith给John 1美元。

Hello. Is that Mr.White or Mr.Smith speaking? Sorry,()

Hello, everyone. I'd like to         to you our new secretary, Melinda Smith.

Smith和John玩数字匹配游戏,每个人选择1、2、3,如果数字相同, John给Smith 3美元,如果不同,Smith给John 1美元。

若汇票上载明收款人姓名,但未加注限制转让字样,如Pay to John Smith or order,则此汇票视为()。
