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The proper way to correct a mistake in the logbook is to().

2022-01-01 11:07
A、erase the entry and rewrite
B、draw several lines through the entry,rewrite,and initial the correction
C、completely black out the entry,rewrite,and initial the correction
D、draw one line through the entry,rewrite,and initial the correctio



The purpose of the skirt or trunk in four-stroke cycle engines is to act in a similar manner to a ().

Learn from Mistakes
You can only learn from a mistake after you (1) you’ve made it. As soon as you start blaming other people (or the universe itself) you distance yourself (2)any possible lesson. But if you courageously stand up and honestly say “This is my mistake and I am responsible” the possibilities for learning will move towards you. Admission of a mistake, even if only privately to yourself, makes learning (3)by moving the focus away from blame assignment and towards understanding.
This advice (4)counter to the cultural assumptions we have about mistakes and failure, namely that they are (5) things. We’re taught in school, in our families, or at work to feel guilty about failure and to do whatever we can to (6)mistakes. This sense of shame explains why many people give up on their goals: they’re not (7) for the mistakes and failures What’s missing in many people’s beliefs about success is the fact that the more (8)the goal, the more frequent and difficult setbacks will be. The larger your ambitions, the more dependent you will be on your ability to overcome and learn from your mistakes.
But for many reasons admitting mistakes is difficult. An implied value in many cultures is that our work represents us: if you fail a test, then you are a (9). If you make a mistake then you are a mistake. Learning from mistakes requires three things: putting yourself in situations where you can make interesting mistakes; having the self-confidence to admit to them; being (10)about making changes.


Learn from Mistakes
You can only learn from a mistake after you (1) you’ve made it. As soon as you start blaming other people (or the universe itself) you distance yourself (2)any possible lesson. But if you courageously stand up and honestly say “This is my mistake and I am responsible” the possibilities for learning will move towards you. Admission of a mistake, even if only privately to yourself, makes learning (3)by moving the focus away from blame assignment and towards understanding.
This advice (4)counter to the cultural assumptions we have about mistakes and failure, namely that they are (5) things. We’re taught in school, in our families, or at work to feel guilty about failure and to do whatever we can to (6)mistakes. This sense of shame explains why many people give up on their goals: they’re not (7) for the mistakes and failures What’s missing in many people’s beliefs about success is the fact that the more (8)the goal, the more frequent and difficult setbacks will be. The larger your ambitions, the more dependent you will be on your ability to overcome and learn from your mistakes.
But for many reasons admitting mistakes is difficult. An implied value in many cultures is that our work represents us: if you fail a test, then you are a (9). If you make a mistake then you are a mistake. Learning from mistakes requires three things: putting yourself in situations where you can make interesting mistakes; having the self-confidence to admit to them; being (10)about making changes.


Learn from Mistakes
You can only learn from a mistake after you (1) you’ve made it. As soon as you start blaming other people (or the universe itself) you distance yourself (2)any possible lesson. But if you courageously stand up and honestly say “This is my mistake and I am responsible” the possibilities for learning will move towards you. Admission of a mistake, even if only privately to yourself, makes learning (3)by moving the focus away from blame assignment and towards understanding.
This advice (4)counter to the cultural assumptions we have about mistakes and failure, namely that they are (5) things. We’re taught in school, in our families, or at work to feel guilty about failure and to do whatever we can to (6)mistakes. This sense of shame explains why many people give up on their goals: they’re not (7) for the mistakes and failures What’s missing in many people’s beliefs about success is the fact that the more (8)the goal, the more frequent and difficult setbacks will be. The larger your ambitions, the more dependent you will be on your ability to overcome and learn from your mistakes.
But for many reasons admitting mistakes is difficult. An implied value in many cultures is that our work represents us: if you fail a test, then you are a (9). If you make a mistake then you are a mistake. Learning from mistakes requires three things: putting yourself in situations where you can make interesting mistakes; having the self-confidence to admit to them; being (10)about making changes.

There is no one absolutely correct way to draw up a lesson plan and each teacher will decide what suits him or her best, but all good lesson plans give a clear picture of what the teacher intends to do in the lesson.()
Test 10  The life of living in dormitory is quite different from that of living at home. How to keep a harmonious relationship with roommates is a challenge for many college students. What do you think is the best way to keep a harmonious relationship in dormitory?  Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:The Best Way to Keep a Harmonious Relationship in Dormitory  You are to write in three parts.  In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is.  In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your opinion.  In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, language and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.
What is the proper way to refresh sendmail?()
MINI-LECTURE 1 MINI-LECTURE 1   How Practice Can Damage Your English  I. Newinterpretations of speaking and writing in learning English  A.Speakingand writing stand for mistakes making  —Speakingand writing (1) ______the mistakes          (1) ______  —Incorrectsentences occur when writing  —Later,a bad habit formed: making the same mistakes  B.The more(2) ______, the worse English becomes        (2) ______  C.Solutionto the problem: never make mistakes  —writesimple but correct sentences  —addmore (3) ______ones gradually               (3) ______  —copyonly correct sentences from the beginning  D.Speakingand writing: not the way to (4) ______mistakes    (4) ______  —speaking:unlikely to improve grammar or vocabulary  —(5) ______: likely to correct English sentences       (5) ______  —people:likely to correct a few mistakes but not many  Ⅱ.Conclusion: (6) ______                   (6) ______  A.The use ofrules of error-free speaking  —don’topen the mouth at the very beginning  —getmore input by reading and listening in English  —follow(7) ______to learn                   (7) ______  B.Thetechniques to learn the correct usage of English  —(8) ______may tell the correct usage             (8) ______  —theother person may tell how to use  —learnthe correct way to speak  C.The (9)______to use this technique              (9) ______  —alreadyknow your saying is wrong  —theother person will correct you when making mistakes  —rise it only (10) ______                  (10) ______
A customer wants to upgrade their existing 6-way p650 to an 8-way.  The installed inventory shows the p650 as only a 4-way.  What should the pSeries technical specialist do in order to best correct IBMinventory records? ()
A customer requires a 2-way solution now that will be the easiest and least disruptive to upgrade to a 4-way in the future.  Which of the following solutions best matches these requirements?()
During counterflooding to correct a severe list or trim aggravated by an off-center load,a ship suddenly takes a list or trim to the opposite side. You should().
In order to properly remove air from the casing of a centrifugal pump when starting, the pump should have a ().
The master()in delivering the goods to the consignee named in the bill of lading on production thereof,or to the first person who presents a properly indorsed bill of lading.
A vessel may be unable to take proper and effective action due to the speed()too high or,in some circumstances,too low.
2This is not the correct way to_____the audience
( )What should we do in order to communicate with the foreigners in a proper wayA
A mistake has nothing to do with the language competence, but a result from ___breakdown When a mistake is challenged or given enough attention, it can be self-corrected 2) An error, on the other hand, has ___relation with the learners’ language competence Errors result from ___of knowledge in the target language Language errors cannot be self-corrected no matter how much attention is given
The proper way to correct a mistake in the logbook is to().
The proper way to correct a mistake in the logbook is to().
The easiest way to anchor a vessel in a current is to().
There is no one absolutely correct way to draw up a lesson plan and each teacher will decide what suits him or her best, but all good lesson plans give a clear picture of what the teacher intends to do in the lesson.()
He is trying to find a new way to()a living. Which of the following is not correct?
When you install a new device in a computer,you have to add the correct device______to the operating system to allow the computer to communicate with the device.
What is the correct way to read the decimal “106.16” in English?
The correct way to make an eye in a wire rope with clips is to place the clips with the().
If absolutely necessary,the best way to land on a beach in a motor lifeboat is to().
In writing up the logbook at the end of your watch,you make an error in writing an entry. What is the proper way of correcting this error? ()
In writing up the log book at the end of your watch,you make an error.which of the following is the way to correct the error().
58. Which is the correct way to act in an earthquake?
He committed a mistake in leaving because his wife still wanted to sing karaoke in the parlor.
Which of the following actions are stated in the correct order prior to loading or discharging cargo on a Ro-Ro vessel? ()
You are preparing to slush a stay on your vessel by lowering yourself down the stay in a bosun’s chair.The proper way to do this is to ride down the stay on a riding shackle().
