首页/ 题库 / [单选题]The teacher came int的答案
His successful negotiations with the Americans helped him to ________ his position in the government.
Have you moved into the new house?
Not yet. The rooms_________.
With a ____________ smile, he went out of the room.
The boy ran out of the classroom without the teacher's _______.
-What's the matter with Peter?  -He was seen crying when he was coming out of the teacher's office. He ______by the teacher.
The teacher came ______ the classroom.
He looked around and caught a man ____ his hand into the pocket of a passenger.
He seemed to have come to a deadlock in solving the puzzles, so he simply ________ whatever came into his head.
I enjoyed all his novels with the ______ of his last.
The room attendant should _____ the cleanliness of all the rooms.
According to Wang Qiang, the characteristics of a language teacher include his ____, his ____, and his ____.
The murderer was brought in,with his hands_ behind his back.(2013年真
(单选、2.5分) The murderer was brought in, with his hands ________ behind his back.
With his eyes ______ on the family album, he thought of the fun he had when he lived with his parents.
(单选、25分) The teacher told his students that the earth___________round like a ball
The little boy came riding full speed down the motorway on his bicycle ______ it was!
____the matter with the teacher, we had a better understanding about it
The idea for the new project came to Jack ______ to his study recently.
Just as the clothes a person wears , the food he eats and the friends with whom he spends his time, his house _______ his personality.
The teacher came into the room, with his hands _______behind his back.
