首页/ 题库 / [单选题]—May I watch TV for 的答案

—May I watch TV for a while?

2022-01-01 11:35
A、—No,you .You have to finish your homework first.
B、A.shouldn't needn't C.mustn't D.won't



May I use your bike for a moment?()
--- Hi, Terry, can I use your computer for a while this afternoon?
--- Hi, Terry, can I use your computer for a while this afternoon?
若变量已正确定义,要求程序段完成求5!的计算,不能完成此操作的程序段是A.for(i=1,p=1;i<=5;i++) p*=i; B.i=1;p=1;while(i<=5){p*=i; i++;}C.for(i=1;i<=5;i++){ p=1; p*=i;} D.i=1;p=1;do{p*=i; i++; }while(i<=5);
While watching TV with others, women Usually talk a lot because they ( )
May I use your bike for a moment?()
以下程序的输出结果是( )。 min() { int i=0,a=0; while(i<20) { for(;;) { if((i%10)==0)break; else i--; } i+=11;a+=i; } cout<<a<<endl; }
( ) 10. —______
—I'm not sure what I'll do. I hope to watch TV and enjoy myself.
You are a football fan (球迷). You may watch TV at ______
请根据题目要求进行教学分析。  以下片段选自某课堂实录:  T: Can you watch TV every evening, S1?  S1: Sorry, I can’t.  T: On what day can you watch TV every week?  S1: On Saturday and Sunday.  T: Oh, we can say you can watch TV twice a week. I can go shopping on Monday and Tuesday evenings. So we can say I can go shopping twice a week. What does twice here mean?  Ss: It means“两次”.  T: Good.  问题:  (1)材料中使用了什么方法进行语言呈现?请具体分析。  (2)此语段遵循了语言呈现的什么原则?请具体分析。
Is there a room available for tonight? Yes, Sir. May I help you?()
His mother had talked to him for two hours while he was watching TV, but _____.