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The reason why women and blacks play down their visibility is that they ______.

2022-01-01 13:42
A、A) know that someone in authority will reach down and give them a promotion
B、B) don't want people to think that their promotions were due to sex or color
C、C) don't want to give people the impression that they work under false beliefs
D、D) believe they can get promoted by reason of their sex or color


B[试题分析] 事实判断题。[详细解答] 意为:“不想让人认为他们的晋升是出于性别和肤色原因”。即:不想让人误以为老板是因为喜欢她或让别人知道自己对不同肤色的人公平看待才给他们晋升的。最后一段指出,克里蒙的观点是否有点荒唐呢?对于许多人来说,特别是对妇女和像克里蒙这样的少数民族来说并不荒唐,因为他们感到自己已看到事情的本质(the scales have dropped from their eyes)。贾米森在纽约做管理顾问,帮助公司处理这方面的事务,她说:“公司工作的妇女和黑人经常有些错误认识,认为只要努力工作,就会有晋升的机会——领导层的人会下顾(reach down),给你升职。妇女和黑人大都害怕人们会认为他们升职是因为自己的性别或肤色,所以他们尽量不出头露面宣扬自己(play down their visibility)。”对于这些人,她的忠告是:学学白人男性们引人注目(find their way into the spotlight)的一贯做法。

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The reason why women and blacks play down their visibility is that they ________
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The reason why women and blacks play down their visibility is that they ______.
In the last paragraph, "play down their visibility" refers to ______.
Passage FourIt seems that beauty and women are twins. Observe for yourself. Ads on fashion flood TV screen, radio programs, magazines and the streets. Whether they have realized or not, women are besieged (包围) by a sea of fashion. They are taught to think that without beautiful clothes they will grow old and lose their charm. So who dares to neglect dressing up at the cost of their appearance and youth?But I do not agree with the opinion that women have to show their beauty through their looks. The richness of their mind proves to be more beautiful and attractive than their looks. A woman who has experienced many troubles and may be called "aunt" or "granny" can still maintain her beauty if she has such excellent qualities as knowledge, ability, a kind heart and concern for others.In addition, old and young, beautiful and ugly are relative concepts. People who keep a young mind will never feel old. Curious about new things and eager to learn more, they keep up with the tide. Plainly dressed women may have a type of beauty, which is pure and real.Reading and learning is the best way to keep one youthful. Good books are fertile soil which can feed the flower of one's heart and looks.46. Why does the author say that beauty and women are twins?
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The reason why more and more of the large merchant vessels are being powered by medium-speed diesel engines is ().
I’ll greet visitors, identify and ()down their names on the record sheet.
Jackie Robinson, the first Black American who was to play baseball in the majorleagues, joined the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947.
