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—____________________identify the problems that have been occurring?
—Well, as you know, the problems we had with Gary caused a lot of friction among the team.

2022-01-01 19:53
A、Are you able to
B、What would you
C、Will you

Are you able to



Is that Jim speaking?


– You are late. The discussion started 30 minutes ago.
– ________________________________

— We could let some of the staff work from home.________________?
— That's a good idea.

—____________________identify the problems that have been occurring?
—Well, as you know, the problems we had with Gary caused a lot of friction among the team.

— ______________ .
—Oh, that's too bad.

— ______________________________

— No, sorry, I didn't know the rule about punching in.

— ________________________.

— I’m very glad to hear that. 

— Hello, is that Sail Moving Company?
— _________________?

The __________ are eating _________ at the foot of the mountain.

The message of the article is that ________________.

---- ______________________________

---- Yeah. It is the only professional museum about the railway system in China.

---  why not dine out together and go to the movies?

---  ________________________________________

---- ________________________ We are leaving on Sunday.

---- Yes, that’s a good idea. 

---  Would you care to join for the picnic tomorrow?

---  _________________________________________

There are many ways _____________ the problem.

You are the right person for the job that_______ your application ________the advertisement.

The central idea of the passage is that _____________.
The willow is __________ tree that blooms once __________ year in spring.
Few of us thought that the problem was worth _________
-I have won the first prize in the English competition-_______________________________-______________________________
