首页/ 题库 / [单选题]4.Will you _________的答案

— Welcome to our company. I hope you will enjoy your work here.

— ________________________.

You have more apples than _____ do. But _____ are better than yours.

— How did you miss your train?


Your lack of interest in computer will work ________ you. ( )
–How long will your holiday take? –____________________.
You’re ____________ your time trying to persuade him, he will never join us.
–How long will you stay here? –____________________.
— Could you buy some salt on your way home? — ____________________
— How soon will your father fly to New York? — ____________________
— Thank you for your nice gift. — ____________________
— What do you think of your new teacher?
— ____________________________.
—Would you please show me your bankbook?
— ____________________________.
_______ , I will help you with your work.
A : Would you show me your passport , please ? B : ___________________________ .
- Hi, Liu Hui. Have you got something on your mind? - ____________________
“Use your ears more than your mouth” means __________
– Do you think I can borrow your bike for a few hours – ________________________________
Could you pick me up on your way to work____________________________________
— Mary,I heard you went skiing with your friends What happened — __________________________( B)
— Mary, are you and your husband busy this weekend — ________________________(B)
