首页/ 题库 / [单选题]I would be much obli的答案

I would be much obliged if you could take the matter up with your Owners or Agents on the damage sustained and also request them to send their representative to us together with yours as soon as possible with a view to ascertaining the extent of the damage. This sentice is most likely appeared in a letter submitted to the().

2022-01-02 03:14
A、captain of a ship
B、port captain



标签: 船舶运输业务
If the constellations appeared only once in a thousand years, could you imagine what an ___ event it would be.

He would much ______ it if you could do him the favor.

We would___ very much if you send us some samples immediately.
4.If I ____ your address, I would have visited you.(3分)
We should be obliged if you could furnish us _____ a detailed report____ the financial position, business lines and other aspects of the joint venture.
I would have attended your wedding if you ( ).
【单选题】If I _ a care ,I would go with you.
I hate to be a _,but could you help me.
We would very much( )it if you could do us a favor.
Whatever the decision is,I would like you to know that your department is my first choice and I ________ it a great honor if I could study in your department
— Excuse me, sir Would you do me a favor — Of course What is it — I _____ if you could tell me how to fill out this form
Would you please tell me more about it Sorry, I can only tell you much
This kitchen is a non-smoking area I would like to warn you __________ that if you smoked here you would be fined
I would appreciate ___ very much if you could give me some suggestions
【单选】If I_you,I would go to look for him
We would appreciate it if we could be your sole distributor
Would you please tell me more about itSorry, I can only tell you much
If you were being assisted by an icebreaker and he sent you the single letter Q,he would be telling you().
If the teacher were talking too much in class the students would not be learning.()
I wonder if you could help me. ()
