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— Hi Bob, I’d lik的答案

— Would you like to go with us? — I’d love to.
"— Would you like to go with us? — I’d love to."

I thought you_______ like something to read. So I have brought you some books.

I would like to do the job ________ you don't force me to study.

You shouldn't ________ your time like that, Bob; you have to finish your school work tonight.

— I'd like to invite you for dinner on Saturday.


— Hi, I'm Melinda Smith, the new secretary. Nice to meet you here.

— Hi, I'm Mike Brown from the Training Center.                 

— I'd like to invite you to my birthday party on Saturday evening.
— ___________ .

 — I’d like to take you to the coffee house on the corner. 

— ________________. 

---Can I help you, sir?

---I'd like to have 100 _____. I want my students to draw pictures.

—  If you like I can mail the tax bill for you?


— Hi Bob, I’d like to congratulate you on the progress of Beihai project.


—Morning, Daniel. Today I’d like to discuss the promotional events of our products with you.


—I’d like to know what insurance you will cover for your clients.


—Congratulations to you on passing the maths exam. —_________.
– I’d like you to meet Kate. –  
_____ I’d like to welcome you to the conference.
– I’d like you to meet Kate. –
—Congratulations to you on passing the maths exam.—_________.
Hello, Mary. I’d like you to meet Mark.
