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—I think we can u的答案

—I think we can use two or more kinds of media together in an advertising campaign. 


2021-07-17 19:40
、 It’s great idea. We need to put in more money then.
、It’s true. Two is always better than one.
、That’s quite right. We can attract more people.

That’s quite right. We can attract more people.


A:Can I buy two or three cards fro meachset?B:Oh,sorry,Wesellitby().
A position that is obtained by using two or more intersecting lines of position taken at nearly the same time,is a(n) ().
A position that is obtained by using two or more intersecting lines of position,taken at nearly the same time,is a(n)().
Which kind of resume is used more often
()an order for one thousand tons or more we grant a special discount of 10%.
What kind of cable should be used to establish a trunked line between two Catalyst 2950 switches?()
What kind of cable should be used to establish a trunked line between two Catalyst switches?
For which two database objects can the VERSIONS clause of the Flashback Versions Query be used?()(Choose two.)
I can't make a decision now. I need __( )____ more time to think it over.
— Do you think I can use your pen? — ________.
Each ()consists of two or more panels.
Passage ThreeHow can we get rid of garbage.9 Do we have enough energy sources to meet our future energy needs?These are two important questions that many people are asking today. Some people think that man might be able to solve both problems at the same time. They suggest using garbage as an energy source, and at the time it can save the land to hold garbage.For a long time, people buried garbage or dumped it on empty land. Now, empty land is scarce. But more and more garbage is produced each year. However, garbage can be a good fuel to use. The things in garbage do not look like coal, petroleum, or natural gas; but they are chemically similar to these fossil fuels. As we use up our fossil-fuel supplies, we might be able to use garbage as an energy source. Burning garbage is not a new idea. Some cities in Europe and the United States have been burning garbage for years. The heat that is produced by burning garbage is used to boil water. The steam that is produced is used to make electricity or to heat nearby buildings. In Paris, France, some power plants burn almost 2 million metric tons of the cities garbage each year. The amount of energy produced is about the same as would be produced by burning almost a half million barrels of oil.Our fossil fuel supplies are limited. Burning garbage might be one kind of energy source that we can use to help meet our energy needs.44. What two problems can man solve by burning garbage?

No more having to buy expensive textbooks which you will only use for a year or two and then sell or _______ away. 

We are an authorized foreign exchange bank and can       17 kinds of currencies into RMB.

 ______ we can't compete in terms of size I do believe we hold an advantage in terms of dedication to customer service.

Okay, let's say we make a decision _____; what kind of price are we thinking about charging for our stock? 

I think the benefits of opening up space far      the damage that we can see.

—I think we can use two or more kinds of media together in an advertising campaign. 


Time ____, we will arrange for the tourists to visit two or three more remote spots of culture value.
We can come to the ( ) that the more we practice, the more skillful we will be.
—What do you think of the dress? ( )
—Wonderful. I don’t think I can find a one.
I can.t make a decision now. I need __( )____ more time to think it over.
A: Do you think I can use your computer for one day? B: No you can.t.
What kind of sounds can we make when the vocal cords are vibrating?
They used this kind of scare tactic when I was growing up.
—Must I go and do it now? —No,you_ . We still have two more days.
We have two rooms _____, but I can’t decide______.
Do we call a large fire an “incident” or a kind of “disaster”?
I don’t think this kind of medicine has any_______
We have two kinds of cargo on board,but()is dangerous.
Have you watered the flower? I don’t think this kind of flower need()every day.
Which of these technologies is characterized as being a multipoint Layer 2 VPN that connects two or more customer devices using Ethernet bridging techniques?()
