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To achieve success in your career, the most important factor, according to the passage, is to ______.

2022-01-02 05:32
A、A) work as a consultant to your superiors
B、B) project a favorable image to the people around you
C、C) let your superiors know how good you are
D、D) perform. well your tasks given by your superiors


C[试题分析] 细节题。[详细解答] 意为:“让上司知道你的工作干得是多么好”。这实际上是克里蒙的观点。在第二段,作者引用了克里蒙的观点,在他看来,人的成功百分之六十靠的是表现自己 (exposure),他认为,能做好工作的人在今天司空见惯,虽然做好工作可能提高工资,但是却不一定能带来实质性的晋升,晋升更多地取决于:有多少人了解你,了解你的工作,了解你的人在公司里地位的高低(how high up they are)。

Practice 2  ● Recently your company is planning to bid for hosting an exhibition and now the manager of your company has asked you to write a letter to the organizing committee to introduce your company to them.  ● Write a letter to introduce the details about your company.  ● introducing the department structure and service,  ● introducing previous exhibitions you have hosted,  ● expressing your confidence in the success if you are permitted to host it.
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I wish you success in your career.()
Price, quality and food safety were the most important factors for consumers according to the DPI’s research in 2004.____
Practice 1Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the remark “Success is something most people try to achieve.” You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
The most important principle in the stowage is().
The SOLAS Convention in its successive forms is generally regarded as the most important of all international treaties concerning the ______of merchant ships.
Practice 12  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below.  I have learned that success is to be measured not so,: much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed.  —Booker T. Washington  Assignment: Is the struggle endured to achieve success more important than the accomplishment itself? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.
An administrator has just imported a shred Volume Group that had been created on another  system in the cluster. In order for the shred volume to be used in the cluster, what is the most important step for the administrator to take first?()   
The most important principle in the cargo stowage is().

— I wish you success in your career.


(5).  The most important rule for Mary to follow in treating her guests is to________.(本题2.0分)
The most important information to be filled in the application form is()
The most important classicist in the Enlightenment Movement is _____.
- I wish you success in your career. -__________
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Happiness________Mary as she proudly told her parents about her remarkable success in achieving her career goals!
To achieve success in your career, the most important factor, according to the passage, is to ________
(阅读理解)阅读理解Many people use the term career to mean the job, occupation, or vocation which person has However,a career involves much more than does a job,an occupation, or a vocation A career is the pattern of work and work-related activities that develops throughout a lifetime It includes the job or series of jobs a person has until retirement There are as many kinds of careers as there are people They are greatly in the type of work involved and in the ways they influence a persons life Almost every adult has a career of some kind Most people build a career to help them satisfy certain goals Such goals might include earning a living or helping others The best-known career pattern develops around work for pay Most workers in such a career hold a job to support themselves and their family However,some people build a career around activities for which they receive no money For example,many people work to create a comfortable home life for their family Others spend much of their time on charitable projects The kind of career you have can affect your life in many ways For example, it can determine where you live and the friends you make It can reflect how much education you have and can determine the amount of money you earn Your career can also affect the way you feel about yourself and the way other people act toward you By making wise decisions concerning your career,you can help yourself build the life you want (1)According to the text, a career refers to______( )
The MOST important element in administering CPR is().
The most important principle in the cargo stowage is().
Perseverance,modesty and opportunity are the__factors for the girl’s success in her career.
Prior to lowering the lifeboat,the most important item to check is the().
What is the most important in the logistics information system? ()
The most important obstacle to Hispanic success in the labor market is()
To achieve success in your career, the most important factor, according to the passage, is to ______.
59. _____ should be the most important part(s) to be protected in an
I wish you success in your career.()
The most important features in the growth of American economy in the early 20th cenruty were()
