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Mary's talking to the lawyer about her competitor who ________ on her trademark.

      people are no longer worried about whether their food is safe or not      they enjoy a better life.

Jason made sharp comments on Mary's idea, but he didn't mean _____ her.

Since William had been seriously ill for several months, his parents were worried about ________ to return to school full-time.
I was worried about my parents all the time, but at last I got the letter I ________ . ( )
There is no ( ) arguing about it, just do as you are told.
Since William had been seriously ill for several months, his parents were worried about ________ to return to school full-time.
Mary's second book Growing Up Again is mainly about her __
9.People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware ____ he had gone.(3分)
【 】10. Because no textbooks are written for any particular class, it is necessary for teachers to ___ materials.
There is no point in arguing about it, because it is_______(simple)a question of procedure
Happiness________Mary as she proudly told her parents about her remarkable success in achieving her career goals!
People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware()he had gone.
28. Who are worried about hackers in the story?
Since William had been seriously ill for several months, his parents were worried about()to return to school full-time.
Parents are encouraged to be role models for their kids because______.
Mr. Green, was worried because ______.
Mary's parents are worried about Mary because no one was aware ______ she had gone.
Mary: I'm sorry, but I can't seem to find that tape you lent me. I must have lost it.Susan: Oh no! _________.Mary: But don't worry. I'll buy you a new one.
--Are you free in July? --No, I()with my parents in July.
