首页/ 题库 / [单选题]当人类社会进入到信息时代,曾有人____的答案

当人类社会进入到信息时代,曾有人_______,计算机是方块汉字的掘墓人。然而,事实 _______了对汉字的这些偏见和悲观论调。据统计,现在已有1000多种汉字输入法,无论从速度还是准确率上看,方块汉字的计算机输入丝毫不逊色于拼音文字。 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )

2022-01-02 06:27
A、宣称 打破
B、断言 粉碎
C、妄言 驳斥
D、预言 批判



Which is ________, the Yangtze River or the Yellow River?
"Which is ________, the Yangtze River or the Yellow River?"
You should _______________ to one or more weekly magazines such as Time or Newsweek.

You can _____ some bottles of wine, or some chocolates, or a bunch of flowers.

— ___________________

— Once or twice a week.

A campus emergency ______ occur at any time of the day or night, weekend, or holiday, with little or no warning.

(单选题)The computer turns it __________ green, yellow, or red lights.(2)
Laura didn’t go to the police or courts because_________.
By no means ______ destroy or create energy.
Ask Mr. Brown, or any other person ______.
Our success _______ whether everyone works hard or not.( )
Morning or afternoon. It makes no _______ to me.
Whether we will go or not __________ the weather.
Which ________ do you prefer, coffee or orange juice?
Tables______ of stones or wood.
Without water, _________ no plants or animals.
I am wondering if they are ____ or____.
_________ in a person’s speech or writing usually ranges on a continuum from casual or colloquial to formal or polite according to the type of communicative situation.
__________ is the act performed by or resulting from saying something; it is the consequence of, or the change brought about by the utterance.
All people, whether they be rich or poor, strong or weak, privileged or deprived,are interdependent, and _______ the common task of seeking to achieve mankinds full potential
