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You’d better look up the new word in a dictionary _____ you don’t know it ?

2022-01-02 08:55



You’d better look up the new word in a dictionary _____ you don’t know it ?
Many word processing programs include spell checker. It checks the spelling of every word in a(120)by looking up each word in its dictionary. If the word does not appear in the dictionary the user is(121)to possible misspelling and possible corrections are often(122). Spell checker does not recognize unusual people names or specialized terms, but it will often allow you to create your own personal dictionary of specialized words you often use. Spell checker is a valuable aid to proofreading, but it can not catch the(123)of one correctly spelled word for another(such as form. for from). Thus it does not(124)a document is free of spelling errors.
A new()will be set up in this area so we will have enough electricity in the future.
This is the dictionary()I depend a lot whenever I have problems with new words.
To understand a word, you have to read all the letters in it; to understand a sentence you have to read all the words in it.()
You are looking for one word in this paragraph. The word appears only once, its first letter is the eighth letter which appears after a certain vowel and the same vowel is the fifth letter before its last letter.
You are the administrator of a 12 SQL Server 2000 computers. These servers are located in company offices throughout the world.You configure a multiserver job on the server in your company's New York City office. You configure this server as a master server, and designate the remaining 11 servers as target servers.After the job completes successfully, you decide to set up a new SQL Server 2000 computer as the master server. The new server will be named JobMaster and the other 12 servers will be target servers.You need to make the New York City server a target server instead of a master server. What should you do?
You need to upgrade the IOS of an existing router on your network. The new IOS image is located on a TFTP server that you have set up within the network. What command should you issue in order to download the new IOS version?()
A good dictionary will help you up in your reading.
When I first entered university, my aunt, who is an English professor, gave me s new English dictionary. I was __36___to se that it was an English English dictionary, also known as a monolingual dictionary._37___it was a dictionary intended for non—native learners, none of my classmates had one __38__, to be honest, I found it extremely __39_ to use at first. I would look up words in the dictionary and _40__ not fully understand the meaning, I wad used to the __41__ bilingual dictionaries, in which the words are _42__ both in English and Chinese ,i really wondered why my aunt __43_ to make things so difficult for me. Now ,after studying English at university for three years, I _44__ that monolingual dictionaries are __45_ in learning a foreign languageAs I found out, there is __46_ often NO perfect equivalence(对应)between two _47___ in two language. My aunt even goes so far as to 48___ that a Chinese “equivalent” can never give you the __49___ meaning of a word in English! ___50_ , she insisted that I read the definition(定义) of a world in a monolingual dictionary __51___ I wanted to get a better understanding of its meaning. ____52__, I have come to see what she meant.Using a monolingual dictionary for learners has helped me in another important way. This dictionary uses a(n) 53 number of words, around 2, 000, in its definitions. When I read these definitions, I am 54 exposed to(接触)the basic words and learn how they are used to explain objects and ideas. 55 this, I can express myself more easily in English.
Because the stars are up in the sky every night, we ___ give them a look.
26.  This is the dictionary ( )I depend a lot whenever I have problems with new words.(本题1.0分)
Whenever he meets with a new word, he will ______a dictionary.
This is the dictionary ( )I depend a lot whenever I have problems with new words.
It may not be a good habit to look up the dictionary whenever you ________a difficult word while reading.( )_
This is the dictionary ( )I depend a lot whenever I have problems with new words.
It may not be a good habit to look up the dictionary whenever you ________a difficult word while reading.( )_
A new school was _____ up in the village last year.
(阅读理解题) Good morning, everyone! Here.s China weather report. It is rainy in Haikou today, you.d better wear a raincoat. Beijing is sunny today, you.d better wear a coat. You must wear asweater today in harbin. Because it is snowy in Harbin. Lhasa is windy, you.d better wear long trousers. Xi. an is warm, you.d better wear short boots. The report is over. May you be happy every day! Goodbye.(1). It.s going to snow tomorrow. Where am I? ( )
You’d better not ( ) every word in the dictionary while you are reading the articles.
— You.d better take the umbrella with you. It looks like it.s going to rain. —____________
(阅读理解题)Good morning, everyone! Here.s China weather report. It is rainy in Haikou today, you.d better wear a raincoat. Beijing is sunny today, you.d better wear a coat. You must wear asweater today in harbin. Because it is snowy in Harbin. Lhasa is windy, you.d better wear long trousers. Xi. an is warm, you.d better wear short boots. The report is over. May you be happy every day! Goodbye. (1). It.s going to snow tomorrow. Where am I? ( )
6—I want to look up a new word. Could you lend me your dictionary? —____________ ( )
Good morning, everyone! Here.s China weather report. It is rainy in Haikou today, you.d better wear a raincoat. Beijing is sunny today, you.d better wear a coat. You must wear asweater today in harbin. Because it is snowy in Harbin. Lhasa is windy, you.d better wear long trousers. Xi. an is warm, you.d better wear short boots. The report is over. May you be happy every day! Goodbye. (1). It.s going to snow tomorrow. Where am I?( )
(阅读理解题)Good morning, everyone! Here.s China weather report. It is rainy in Haikou today, you.d better wear a raincoat. Beijing is sunny today, you.d better wear a coat. You must wear asweater today in harbin. Because it is snowy in Harbin. Lhasa is windy, you.d better wear long trousers. Xi. an is warm, you.d better wear short boots. The report is over. May you be happy every day! Goodbye. (1). It.s going to snow tomorrow. Where am I?( )
You can_____ the new words in the dictionary if you have problems.
单选) You’d better not ( ) every word in the dictionary while you are reading the articles
To understand a word, you have to read all the letters in it; to understand a sentence you have to read all the words in it.()
_____________________________________________________________________________If you prefer using the dictionary on a computer, you can obtain CD-ROM versions of many major dictionaries. In addition, you can access numerous dictionaries, such as WWWebster’s Dictionary, on the Internet. Online dictionaries allow you to enter a search word (you even get help with spelling) to see a definition, and sometimes even an illustration. Online dictionaries also offer additional features, such as word games, language tips, and amusing facts about words. Some online dictionary services allow you to access numerous dictionaries, both general and specialized, in one search.
If there are any new words, ______ in a dictionary.
