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He put forward a theory,()of great importance to the progress of science of technology

2022-01-02 14:45
A、I think which is
B、which I think is
C、which is I think
D、I think it i



标签: 专升本英语
When planning the loading or discharging of a VLCC (100,000 DWT+) what is the most important consideration?()
Despite the rising importance and great convenience of the gyrocompass,the magnetic compass still retain its importance because of its().
He put forward a theory,()of great importance to the progress of science of technology
If he is a common carrier,he is absolutely responsible to the owner of the goods carried ()any loss or damage to them unless caused by an Act of God or the Queen’s enemies,or the inherent vice in the goods themselves,or the negligence of the owner of the goods,or a general average sacrifice.
The cylinder contains a great weight of air and is capable of burning a great quantity of fuel at().
() the cylinder will contain a great weight of air and will be capable of burning a great quantity of fuel.
Telepresence and video conferencing have been an increasingly important component of the overall collaboration marker, which indicator is the best measure of the continued importance of these technologies going forward?()
Telepresence and video conferencing have been an increasingly important component of the overall collaboration marker, which indicator is the best measure of the continued importance of these technologies going forward?()
Does Krashen’s theory of second language acquisition begin with theories, or with data?
He is a man of great experience, _____ much can be learned.
He is a man of great experience, ______ much can be learned.
An infant can recognize a lot of vowels by the time he or she is a year old.
sophisticated的意思是:having, revealing or proceeding from a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture
He was a charming and ___host whose house was an___rendezvous( 集合的) of the great.
55. Zola defined the theory of ( ) and illustrated it in his great work entitled ( ).
In________, the gesture that people put the business card into a wallet and then put the wallet in the back pocket of his or her pants is not meant to be a sign of disrespect.
________put great stock in the exchange of business cards at the beginning of a meeting.
In________, the gesture that people put the business card into a wallet and then put the wallet in the back pocket of his or her pants is not meant to be a sign of disrespect.
________put great stock in the exchange of business cards at the beginning of a meeting.
Who put forward the distinction between Langue and Parole?A
I look forward to the reading and_______ of his theories.
It was about 150 years ago ( ) Dalton put forward the important idea.
The government of every country should( )great importance to environment protection.
A man can not be really happy if what he enjoys____(do) is ignored by society as of no value or importance
One of the many great aspects of my friends character is () he really loves going out for a nicedinner
The problem with traffic crowdedness in the city put forward at the meeting, __________the government takes into consideration, is of great importance
3He is a man of great experience,_____much can be learned
--- Guess what! I have got A for my term paper --- Great! You ______ read widely and put a lot of work into it
Even though hes ______ out of college and still a bit green, he is a great co-worker
He impressed()the importance of hard work.
He () a very important part in the management of the company.
