首页/ 题库 / [单选题]My father seemed to 的答案
My father seemed to be in no _______to celebrate.
my mother seems to have something on her mind and was __ no mood to look at my school report.( )
My mother seemed to be in no __________ with my poor school report.
My father asked __ to help with his work.
15. The student organizations seem to be effective in ______
You uncle seems to be a good driver; I wouldn.t dare to travel in his car.
You uncle seems to be a good driver; I wouldn.t dare to travel in his car.
My camera can be _____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.
______ of making progress, my work actually seems to be going backwards.
– It seems to be clearing up. – .
According to the passage, a “white lie” seems to be a lie ().
The self-important manager didn’t seem to attach much importance to my advice .
I make notes in the back of my diary _________ thing to be mended or replaced
Then where are our relatives My father Our family friends You claim the rights of a mother: the right to call me fool and child; to speak to me as no woman in authority over me at college dare speak to me; to dictate my way of life; and to force on me the acquaintance of a brute whom anyone can see to be the most vicious sort of Lodon man about town Before I give myself the trouble to resist such claims, I may as well find out whether they have any real existence Questions:
The people in your department seem so ______ and nice to be around
The only way to reverse the worsening situation seems to be
AMy name is Philip.Now I live in Beijing.On Sundays my father often takes me to movies. My favourite movies are action movies. My father likes them, too. Many young people like this kind of movies, because they are exciting. My good friend, Jim likes thrillers best. I don-t like thrillers. I think they are scary and boring. Jim likes Beijing Opera, too. And he wants to be a Beijing Opera artist.( )21. When does Philip often go to movies with his father?
it can be concluded that girl's attraction to pink seems to be _____.
In ballasting to survival draft,while in transit,due to extreme wind and wave loads,thrusters or propulsion,if available,should be used to().
Her father gave her the()of going on to college or starting to work.
