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A system of cleaning the tanks by washing them with the cargo of crude oil while it is being discharged is known as().

2022-01-03 02:53



The cubic inch(or liter) displacement of a cylinder is determined by the diameter of the piston and the ()
For the purpose of()tank or hold washings from any vessel,an application shall be made to Harbor Authorities for approval.
The complete details of a crude oil washing system aboard your vessel,including the operating sequences and procedures,design characteristics,a description of the system,and required personnel will be found in the().
Through a () pump, the liquid is transferred from the suction to the discharge by the mechanical variation of the volume of a chamber or chambers.
Before painting, we must clean and wash the painted parts with the cleaning solution. ()
Which of the following represents the maximum percent of oxygen by volume required to be achieved by a ship’s inert gas system, prior to the commencement of crude oil tank washing?()
A technician is performing scheduled preventive maintenance on a laser printer. Which of the following should the technician clean or replace? ()
() system is arranged to ensure that water can be drawn from any tank or the sea and discharged to any other tank or the sea as required to trim the vessel.
In setting the valves on a steam-smothering system on a tank vessel,the master control valve to cargo tanks should be().
The piston cooling system may employ similar components, except that () is used instead of a head tank.
rogram propagates itself by modifying other programs to include a possibly changed copy of itself and that is executed when the infected program is(67). A virus often causes damage or annoyance and may be triggered by some event such as the occurrence of a predetermined date.Worm is a self-contained program that can propagate itself through data processing systems or computer networks. Worms are often designed by hackers to use up(68) resources such as storage space or processing time.Trojan horse implies by the name an apparently harmless program containing(69) logic that allows the unauthorized collection, falsification or destruction of data. Logic bomb causes damage to a data processing system when triggered by some specific system condition. Time bomb is also a malicious program being activated at a(70) time.
●A (68) is a feature of the system or adescription of something the system is capable of doing in order to fulfill the system's purpose.
The amount of LFG that may be loaded into a given tank is determined by().

The(1) is a general description of the architecture of a workflow management system used by the WFMC, in which the main components and the associated interfaces are summarized. The workflow enactment service is the heart of a workflow system which consists of several(2).


The(1) is a general description of the architecture of a workflow management system used by the WFMC, in which the main components and the associated interfaces are summarized. The workflow enactment service is the heart of a workflow system which consists of several(2).

The number or name of a tank barge shall be().
An oil tanker operating with dedicated clean ballast tanks shall be equipped with(),approved by the Administration on the basis of specification recommended by the Organization,to enable supervision of the oil content in ballast water being discharged.
A system of cleaning the tanks by washing them with the cargo of crude oil while it is being discharged is known as().
If the water level dropped rapidly in the expansion tank of a closed diesel engine cooling water system, you should suspect a ().
()means any person by whom or in whose name or on whose behalf a contract of carriage of goods by sea has been concluded with a carrier,or any person by whom or in whose name or on whose behalf the goods are actually delivered to the carrier in relation to the contract of carriage of goods by sea.
If he is a common carrier,he is absolutely responsible to the owner of the goods carried ()any loss or damage to them unless caused by an Act of God or the Queen’s enemies,or the inherent vice in the goods themselves,or the negligence of the owner of the goods,or a general average sacrifice.
Langue refers to the a()linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community while the parole is the concrete use of the conventions and application of the rules.
By day,the horizontal motion of a white flag,or arms extended horizontally,by a person on the beach indicates().
The expansion tank for a diesel engine closed cooling system is designed to maintain a constant head on the system and ().
Which of the following statements describes the function of an expansion tank in a diesel engine cooling system?()
In a centrifugal Freon refrigeration system, the overall capacity of the system is increased by()
The efficiency of turbocharge system is increased by fitting a charge air cooler () the compressor.
Crude oil washing of cargo tanks has the following advantages except for ()
()means a document which evidences a contract of carriage by sea and the taking over or loading of the goods by the carrier,and by which the carrier under takes to deliver the goods against surround of the document.
For the purpose of()tank or hold washings from any vessel,an application shall be made to Harbor Authorities for approval.
The passing of a low pressure system can be determined by periodically checking the().
