首页/ 题库 / [单选题]The writer reveals t的答案
(2).  From the description of the boy by the writer, we know that the writer ( ) .(本题2.0分)
How did the writer finally get out of the desert?
Which of the following writer doesn’t belong to the “Lake Poets” of the English Romanticism?_____
The title of “Poet’s poet” is given to the writer of the following work().
Why does the writer use the example of the Greek scientist who calculated the distance around the world?
The best writer of comedy of the ancient Greece was ( ) , who is Father of Comedy.
The customers are pleased with the ____ of the restaurant.
Which of the following words best describe the writer. impression of the town?
The tone of the article()the writer’s mood at the time.
The Pilgrims Progress is the masterpiece of ()(the writer), written in the old-fashioned, medieval form of () and allegory, in which the main character is ()
The tone of this passage tells us that the writer
The American idea of customer service is _________ each customer the center of attention
Statistics alone cannot reveal the width of the ongoing economic change, because the nature of work itself_________ .
The writers of the Constitution worked out the Constitution worked out the checks and balances in order to()
Which of the following influences the writer“s judgment of the universities in the passage?
The writer of the passage thinks that ______.
The writer thinks the failure of a building ______.
The writer reveals the "foolishness" of the custom in the paragraph by ______.
●The project manager must maintain an effective communication link with the customer's satisfaction with the progress of the project. The project manager maintains this link through (71).(71)
The term "()" is commonly used to name the work of the 17th - century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne.
