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Only in this way () get rid of your headache.

2022-01-03 11:58
A、can you
B、you can
C、you will
D、do you


[解析] 句意:只有用这种方法你才能治好你的头痛。倒装句。only+状语置于句首时,后面主谓要部分倒装,助动词提到主语前面。故选A。

标签: 专升本英语
After jacking down your liftboat you have an unexpected list.You find that the only cause of this list must be a flooded leg.Your next course of action should be to().
Only in this way()progress in your English.
Never make comment, estimate or guess in your logbook, but()only.
Never make comment,estimate or guess in your Logbook,but()only.
This fire extinguisher is to be used only in case of()
This fire extinguisher is to be used only in case of().
Prior to getting underway,the Master or person in charge of a ship must().
Prior to getting underway,the Master or person in charge of a vessel must().
Only in this way()English well.
听力原文: (32)Your assignments this term will be to write two major research papers.One of the most important things about writing a research paper is giving proper credit of your resources of information. Failure to do this is called plagiarism which is a form. of intellectual dishonesty.(33)Plagiarism is a kind of stealing or at least an unauthorized borrowing of someone else's ideas. Sometimes inexperienced students will plagiarize unintentionally, and then be surprised when the teacher won't accept their papers, or gives them a failing grade.The best way to avoid an unintentional plagiarizing is to be very careful in gathering your information. As you take notes on books and magazine articles about the topic you've selected, first try to assimilate the information thoroughly. (34)Secondly, write it down in your own words. This is called paraphrasing. If you do a good job of paraphrasing, you'll capture the main idea from your source without actually using any phrases from it. (34)Most of your notes should probably be paraphrases. However, occasionally you may find something you wish to quote directly in your research paper. In this Case, (35)be sure that you copy the quotation precisely in your notes and enclose it in quotation marks. That way when you're finalizing your research paper, you'll be able to remember which of your notes are direct quotes and which are your own summaries of the material. You can then incorporate them appropriately and give the original author proper credit.(33)
The study suggests that it is more difficult to respond what to get rid of.
. The best way of getting out the news of your garage sale is to ______.
1. The best way of getting out the news of your garage sale is to ______.
Only in this way ______ .( )
To get rid of stress, she goes jogging every day
Don’t get your schedule _________; stay with us in this class
The researchers _______ this conclusion: negative stereotypes of women influence the targets of the stereotypes in a negative way
______ only by one’s appearance, I’m sure, will have you get just half of him or less
2_____this kind of question often_____in your class,Alex
A()is a set of procedures or a collection of techniques used in a systematic way which it is hoped will result in efficient learning.
The defences and limits of liability()in this bill of lading shall apply in any action against the carrier for loss of or damage to the goods whether the action be founded in contract or in tort.
Only in this way () get rid of your headache.
Thai is the only way we can imagine _______the overuse of water in students' bathrooms.
Passage OneYou've probably had the experience of having someone fall in love with you when you didn't feel the same way. In such a case it's hard to know what to do. You don't want to be so obvious in your efforts that you make an enemy of him.A friend of mine had this problem and handled it in the most tactful (得体的) way I've ever seen. Instead of telling her admirer directly, she devoted herself to introducing him to every girl she knew. Whenever she had a date with him, she arranged to drop in at the home of one of her girl friends. At last he clicked (一见如故) with one of these girls, and then everyone was happy. My friend was rid of a problem and she still had the young man as a friend, which was just what she wanted him to be.Of course this solution may not work for you. You may have your own way of dealing with the problem. But whatever you decide to do, keep one thing in mind—the boy in question has feelings every bit as sensitive as your own. So try to find a way of discouraging him without hurting him.31. The best title for this passage would be______.
In case of your steering gear failed,()should be exhibited in shapes or lights.
In case of your steering gear failed,()should be exhibited in shapes or lights.
7. Only in this way ______ improve your spoken English.
You“ ll find this Travel Guide to be of great ___ in helping you and your children to get around Malaysia.
In writing up the logbook at the end of your watch,you make an error in writing an entry. What is the proper way of correcting this error? ()
Owners are to be responsible for loss of or damage to the goods or delay in delivery of the goods only in case the loss,damage or delay has been caused by the improper or negligent stowage of the goods.This means that().
