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Architect Mayur K的答案

The architect ____ the interior of the building.

The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the eighth ___________ month.

A dictionary may define genetics _________ simply “the science of the study of heredity”.

The pace of __________ growth is picking up.

The firefighters are going to ______________ the cause of the fire.

They must try to _________ the boundaries of knowledge. 

 _________, the number of private cars will increase sharply in the coming couple of years. 

The scientist spoke confidently, __________ impressed me most.

— How do you think of the theme of our event?

— ________________

Oh, by the way, how was your report of the new batteries coming along?


A bus driver _______________ the safety of his passengers.

— Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again! 

— _________________This is not the end of the world.

A budget is an estimation of the _______ and _______ over a specified future period of time.

Then the situation _____________ worse by human error because of the lack of proper training.

A number of boys ____________absent some time during the term.

The __________ are eating _________ at the foot of the mountain.

The topic of the passage is __________.

The message of the article is that ________________.

Sometimes they spoke lovingly of the country ____ the Flowery Land.( )
8. _________ spoke to her .( )
