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When the readers read to get the general picture, only the main points are what they are interested in, not the detail.()

2022-01-03 14:26



The guard, fencing or shielding for moving parts or machinery can be removed for repair only when the machinery it belongs to()
II.完型填空(共20分)Getting to places can sometimes be difficult,especially(特别) when you are going to a place for the (11) time.In big cities,many people take buses,trains or subways to get from (12 ) to another. Bu-ses are a popular (13) af transportation.lf you are using a bus,you need to know(14 ) bus to take and where you can get on. You (15) need to be able to(能够)read the timetable right, so you can take the right bus and (16 ) your place on time. At last,you need to know (17) to get off and (18 ) the driver the name of the station.In the countryside,transportation can be much simple.In some places,people get to school or work (19) boat.Some children ride in long boats on the river to get to school.In (20) places,students walk to school.( )11.
Prior to getting underway,the Master or person in charge of a ship must().
Prior to getting underway,the Master or person in charge of a vessel must().
If a chartered ship is prevented from,or delayed in,getting to the loading port by peril excepted during the voyage,the exception clauses().
(翻译)To become a flexible reader, you need to know how to select and use a reading style that is consistent with your purpose for reading. Knowing when and how to use different styles will make you a flexible reader. Study reading is the reading style used by flexible readers when their purpose is to read difficult material at a high level of comprehension. When using the study reading style, you should read at a rate that is slower than your normal reading rate. Furthermore, as you read you must challenge yourself to understand the material. Study reading will often require you to read material more than once to achieve a high level of comprehension. Sometimes, reading the material aloud will also help you improve your comprehension.
()is entitled to enter into,with a shipper,any agreement,stipulation,condition,reservation or exception as to the responsibility and liability of the carrier or the ship for the loss of or damage to,or in connection with,the custody and care and handling of the goods prior to the loading on,and subsequent to the discharge from,the ship on which the goods are carried by sea.
TCP functions at the Open System Interconnection(OSI)(61)layer, or Layer 4. Its chief responsibility is to ensure(62)end-to-end connectivity. IP, located one layer down, at the OSI network layer, or Layer 3, communicates the addresses of each(63)sender and receiver to the routers along the way. Routers and Layer 3 switches can read IP and other Layer 3(64). This information, combined with routing tables and other network intelligence, is all it takes to get(65)the room or around the world via TCP/IP.
The guard, fencing or shielding for moving parts or machinery can be removed for repair only when the machinery it belongs to()
Ordinarily the transit()when the goods leaves the seller’s possession,and ends when they get into the possession of the buyer.
What is the most important when it comes to a good job: money, colleagues, boss or the working environment?
The third officer’s duty is to()when vessel is commanded under the pilot or captain.
(翻译)To become a flexible reader, you need to know how to select and use a reading style that is consistent with your purpose for reading. Knowing when and how to use different styles will make you a flexible reader. Study reading is the reading style used by flexible readers when their purpose is to read difficult material at a high level of comprehension. When using the study reading style, you should read at a rate that is slower than your normal reading rate. Furthermore, as you read you must challenge yourself to understand the material. Study reading will often require you to read material more than once to achieve a high level of comprehension. Sometimes, reading the material aloud will also help you improve your comprehension.
What is the earliest time that readers can read the Post every week?
A good reader is one who can read ______ the lines.
Prior to getting underway in fresh or brackish water,the Master must().
When I get to the top of the building, the sun ______.
The literature of the Enlightenment in England mainly appealed to the ____ readers.
— Seven thirty I guess Id better get going for the meeting at eight oclock When is the next bus up to the hotel ( )
Travellers, when ____________ the checks, have to sign the checks in the presence of the bank or service clerks
According to Hedge, a connotative meaning of a word refers to ‘the ___ or emotions of a language user in choosing a word and the influence of these on the listener’s or reader’s ___ of the word’
As per UCP600, the words “to”, “till”, “from”, “between” when used to determine a period of shipment include the date or dates mentioned, the words “before” and “after” exclude the date mentioned. ()
When the railway is completed, we()get to town much easily.
If you learn to read the signs, you can tell whether what a person says is what he really means, or whether, like the man whose stomach does not move when he laughs, he is trying to deceive you.()
The author intends to tell the readers that__________.
When the dew point of the outside air is lower than or equal to the dew point of the air in the cargo hold,you should().
When the readers read to get the general picture, only the main points are what they are interested in, not the detail.()
Reading is to the mind____ food is to the body.
When a boiler is operating, the water level in the gauge glass reads () when the boiler is shut down.
The()enables water to be blow down or emptied from the boilerIt may be used when partially or completely emptying the boiler.
What does the author intend to tell the reader?
The first thing ______ I would do when I get America is to write to you.
