首页/ 题库 / [单选题]A signal of intent m的答案

A signal of intent must be sounded in international waters by().

2022-01-03 19:30
A、a vessel meeting another head-on
B、a vessel overtaking another in a narrow channel
C、a vessel crossing the course of another
D、the give-way vessel in a crossing situatio



标签: 分道通航制
Prior to getting underway,the Master or person in charge of a ship must().
Prior to getting underway,the Master or person in charge of a vessel must().
The service life of distress signals must be not more than().
()is a term that covers a great variety of goods that must be loaded individually,and not in intermodal container nor in bulk as with oil or grain.
Vessels must be()valid certificate of nationality or certificated of registry or license.
Jitter is an unwanted variation of one or more characteristics of a periodic signal in electronics and telecommunications and()refers to call issues that cause variations in timing or time of arrival.
In the case of an injury causing a person to be incapacitated,the Master or person in charge of a mobile offshore drilling unit must submit a report to the().
A 200-meter vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver,at anchor,will sound a fog signal of().
分道通航制和船舶交通管制区域及其附近水域船舶操纵的注意事项有()。 ①备车航行,以便随时控制航速,根据情况加派瞭头; ②近岸航行应减速,防止浪损; ③检查船舶操舵系统、声光信号设备、助航仪器是否正常,以确保安全; ④严格遵守分道通航制和船舶交通管制区域及其附近水域的各种航行规定
在IMO采纳的分道通航制水域,下列哪项说法不正确?() Ⅰ、“分道通航制规则”不适用于分道内行驶的“操纵能力受到限制的船舶” Ⅱ、《国际海上避碰规则》有关驾驶和航行规则的各条规定同样也不适用于在“分道通航制区域”内从事维护航行安全作业的“操纵能力受到限制的船舶” Ⅲ、“操纵能力受到限制的船舶”在其作业的必需的限度内,免受分道通航条款约束
在IMO采纳的分道通航水域,下列说法哪项正确:() Ⅰ、“分道通航制规则”不适用于分道内行驶的“操纵能力受到限制的船舶” Ⅱ、《国际海上避碰规则》有关驾驶和航行规则的各条规定同样也不适用于在“分道通航制区域”内从事维护航行安全作业的“操纵能力受到限制的船舶” Ⅲ、从事清除水雷作业的船舶在作业所必须的限度内,不受“分道通航制条款”的约束
What does a SART signal sound or look like?()


A record of the types and strengths of steels used on a ship must be included in the().
For a sacrifice or expenditure to be the subject of general average contribution,there must be a danger common to().
If you do NOT understand the course or intention of an approaching vessel you should sound ().
A vessel engaged in fishing underway sounds the same fog signal as a().
A signal of intent must be sounded in international waters by().
When a vessel signals her distress by means of a gun or other explosive signal,the firing should be at intervals of approximately().
Continuous sounding of a fog whistle by a vessel is a signal().
All fog signals shall be sounded every two minutes with the exception of a vessel().
The signal for fire alarm on a ship must be indicated().
A vessel may use any sound or light signals to attract the attention of another vessel as long as().
A sound which is capable of distinguishing one word or one shape of a word from another in a language is a__________.
A radio determination system based on the comparison of reference signals with radio signals reflected,or retransmitted from the position to be determined,is().
When two vessels are in sight of one another and NOT in or near an area of restricted visibility,any of the following signals may be given EXCEPT().
In modern fathometers the sonic or ultrasonic sound waves are produced electrically by means of a(n)().
Injuries resulting in loss of life or incapacitation,aboard vessels,must be reported to the ().
What must the Master or person in charge of a ship enter in the logbook after conducting a boat drill? ()
