首页/ 题库 / [单选题]2.—How _______you?—I的答案

—Good morning, Volunteering Matters, how can I help you?


-Thanks for inviting us to dinner._____________
-Thank you ! It’s so good that you like them.
— Can I help you? — No, thanks._________.
– Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr. Wang. – He’s out to lunch now. __________________ – Sure, thank you.
— _______________ — No,thank you,I don’t like it.
—Thank you for inviting me. — ____________________________.
—Thank you for everything. — Well, have a nice trip and best wishes to your wife. — Thanks. ____________________________
— I’ve heard that you are going to Thailand. — Yes, I’ll leave on Sunday. — That’s great! ____________________ — Thank you.
— Thank you for your nice gift. — ____________________
3.—How are you today?—I'm very ________ ,thanks.
— Nice to see you again, Mr. Smith. How are you?
— ____________________________.
How about ______ cakes? ---Thank you.
-Oh, thank you. I __________ how to do it.
---I can‘t thank you enough for the beautiful gift you sent me .---__________.
– Hello, may I talk to Jerry? – Sorry, he is out of the office right now. _________________ – Yes, thank you.
I want you to know how ____ grateful I am ____ everything you have done.
Thank you for the _____________ order of February 2 for 28,800 raincoats.
-Thanks for inviting us to dinner._____________ -Thank you ! It’s so good that you like them.
2— I must go now. The plane will leave in half an hour. Thank you for seeing me off. —____________ ( )
— How are you feeling now? — _________________.
