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Look at the trouble I amin!If only I__________your advice.

2022-01-04 00:37
B、would foilow
C、had followed
D、should followed


“If only…”是一个虚拟语气结构,意为“要是…该多好”。与过去事实相反,用过去完成时。

The guard, fencing or shielding for moving parts or machinery can be removed for repair only when the machinery it belongs to()
Where tanks are arranged for either oil or ballast () must be fitted in the pipe so that only the ballast main or the oil transfer main connected to the tank.
If there is a strike or lock-out affecting the cargo on or after vessel’s arrival at port of discharge and the same has not been settled within 48 hours,Receivers shall have the option of keeping vessel waiting until such strike or lock-out is at an end against paying half demurrage after expiration of the time prescribed for discharging or ordering the vessel to a substituting port.The “same” refers to().
If there are any Certificates expired or nearing expiry the master of a ship must shall apply fortheir () at any port.
Project(71)is an uncertain event or condition that,if it occurs,has a positive or a negative effect on at least one project objective,such as time,cost,scope,or quality.
● Project(71)is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or a negative effect on at least one project objective, such as time, cost, scope, or quality.(71)
I remembered the day when World War II finished I was eight or nine at the time , and we heard it ___ when we were at the table
I remembered the day when World War II finished I was eight or nine at the time , and we heard it ___ when we were at the table
The guard, fencing or shielding for moving parts or machinery can be removed for repair only when the machinery it belongs to()
It will be a relief over the death of a friend or a relative if the friend or relative dies from ______.
A salvor may be()the whole or part of the payment due under Salvage Convention to the extent that the salvage operations have become necessary or more difficult because of fault or neglect on his part or if the salvor has been guilty of fraud or other dishonest conduct.
Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I ______ your advice.

A campus emergency ______ occur at any time of the day or night, weekend, or holiday, with little or no warning.

I am wondering if they are ____ or____.
17I remembered the day when World War II finished I was eight or nine at the time , and we heard it ___ when we were at the table
I dont know if I should make my hair _ or leave it straight
The question ________ he should confess it or not troubled him greatly ( )
Attend parenting classes, or join a local support group if you are having trouble understanding how to exercise discipline 回答
Goods of an inflammable,explosive or dangerous nature to the shipment whereof the carrier,master or agent of the carrier,has not consented,with knowledge of their nature and character,may at any time before discharge,()at any place or destroyed or rendered innocuous by the carrier without compensation.
Where the contract is to insure the subject-matter at and from,or from one place to another or others,the policy is called a().
A common trouble with the fuel pump plunger or fuel valve spindle is ().
A common trouble with the fuel pump plungers or fuel valve spindle is ().
Data items are added or deleted from the list only at the top of the______.
● Data items are added or deleted from the list only at the top of the (72) .(72)
If the state of the goods at the time they were handed over to the consignee has been the subjectof a joint survey or inspection by the parties,notice in writing()be given of loss or damage ascertained during such survey or inspection.
—When can I call on you, afternoon or evening?
—________. I’ll be at home all the time.
The lighthouse if()at night may be in trouble.
A common rail engine has only one or two high pressure pumps in operation at the same()time, and the injection into each cylinder.
If he is a common carrier,he is absolutely responsible to the owner of the goods carried ()any loss or damage to them unless caused by an Act of God or the Queen’s enemies,or the inherent vice in the goods themselves,or the negligence of the owner of the goods,or a general average sacrifice.
Look at the trouble I amin!If only I__________your advice.
The court may reduce or deny remuneration if it appears that the salvors have by their fault ()or have been guilty of theft,receiving stolen goods,or other acts of fraud.
Owners are to be responsible for loss of or damage to the goods or delay in delivery of the goods only in case the loss,damage or delay has been caused by the improper or negligent stowage of the goods.This means that().
