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The Bank of England was founded in()

2022-01-04 10:10



William won the Battle of Hastings.Later,on(),he was crowned king of England.
A predictable result of a vessel nearing a bank or edge of a channel is that the().
The Church of England founded by Henry Ⅷ was named in England as _____.
The Bank of England was founded in()
Bank of China informs the beneficiary, a Chinese import and export company that a foreign bank has opened a letter of credit in his favor. The bank does not add its engagement by informing the beneficiary. The Bank of China ia acting as ().
A vessel proceeding along the bank of a river or channel has the tendency to().
Bank of China informs the beneficiary, a Chinese import and export company that a foreign bank has opened a letter of credit in his favor. The bank does not add its engagement by informing the beneficiary. The Bank of China ia acting as ().
Practice 4  The other kind of bank—the Bank of the United States was simultaneously a commercial bank and a quasi-public central bank. The First Bank of the United States, chartered by the Congress in 1791, owed its existence to Alexander Hamilton who, shortly after becoming Secretary of the Treasury, showed remarkable insight into the financial problems of the young country and the economic implications of banking. The First Bank of the United States operated much like a private bank. But unlike a regular commercial bank, it had the federal government as a partner and number one customer. The Bank served as the fiscal agent for the government, holding government tax receipts, paying government bills, performing various financial housekeeping tasks. In return, the government kept its cash as deposits with the First Bank of the United States, giving it a huge financial base. The First Bank’s federal charter, moreover, allowed it to operate branches in all states, giving it a big competitive edge over regular state-chartered banks, which could operate only in the states that chartered them. Gradually the First Bank of the United States evolved into a sort of banker’s bank, gaining the power to police lesser commercial banks.
Goods should not be dispatched direct to the address of a bank or consigned to a bank without prior agreement on the part of that bank.
The British Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of Nations in()
The architect accused of letting out the top secret of the key military project was found not guilty and was _____.
From()the information concerning the tons per inch or centimeter immersion of a vessel shall be usually found.
The name New England was given to the northern area ofNorth America by the boss of one of the two Virginia companies.
My watch is nowhere to be found. I _____ when I was on the bus.
The newly-founded expedition was __ lots of trouble, __ the financial problem is not the worst.
___was recognized as the greatest poet of Victorian England.
The newly-founded expedition was __ lots of trouble, __ the financial problem is not the worst.
My wallet is nowhere to be found.I( )it when I was on the bus.
______, the “father of English poetry ” and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, was born in Londonin about 1340.
Except being a victory of England over ___, the rout击溃,寻找 of the fleet 舰“Armada”(Invincible) was also the triumph 胜 利 of the rising young bourgeoisie资产阶级 over the declining old feudalism.封建制度
As the representative of the Enlightenment, Pope was one of the first to introduce _____ to England.
After I ______ the work of the department, I was transferred to another one
Passage Two I was walking along the main street of a small seaside town in the north of England lookingforsomewhere to make a phone call My car had broken down outside the town and I wanted to contact the AA Low greyclouds were gathering across the sky and there was a cold damp wind blowing off the sea which nearly threw me off my feetevery time I crossed one of the side streets It had rained in the night and water was dripping from the bare trees that linedthe street I was glad that I was wearing a thick coat There was no sign of a call box , nor was there anyone at that earlyhour whom I could ask I had thought I might find a shop open selling the Sunday papers or a milkman doing his rounds ,but the town was completely dead The only living thing I saw was a thin frightened cat outside a small restaurant Thesuddenly I found what I was looking for There was a small post office , and almost hidden from sight in a dark narrowstreet Next to it was the towns only public call box , which badly nee ded a coat of paint I hurried forward , but stopped inastonishment when I saw through the dirty glass that there was a man inside He was fat, and was wearing a cheap blueplastic raincoat I could not see his face and he did not even raise his head at the sound of my footsteps Discreetly(谨慎地),I remained standing a few feet away and lit a cigarette to wait my turm It was when I threw the dead match on the groundthat I noticed something bright trickling from under the call box door1、 At what time was the story set
Travellers, when ____________ the checks, have to sign the checks in the presence of the bank or service clerks
7单选You know how it is when we get together They talk about impossible dreams “If I won the lottery (彩票), I would …”, “If I had plenty of money, I would …” But I never told anyone about my dream I was afraid they would laugh if they knew My aunt died and left everything to me So I went around the world in search of the perfect woman that I really lovedI first went to America, but I didn’t find I was looking for The women I met were either too thin or too fat, too quiet or too noisy So I started off for Spain Most of the women I met were much too self-confident Then I went to China The women there were lovely, but much too shy, and I like taller women Finally, I found myself back in my own country I was sadWell, you can never guess what happened In my own country, I found the woman I was looking for! Funnily enough, she lived near me, and I was surprised that I had not noticed her before We met in the local shop She dropped her bag I picked it up and give it to her I knew at that moment that she was the woman for me But I wanted to be very careful I didn’t want to say or do anything that might frighten her away So I just made small talk as we walked back to the car parkBack home, I planned to win her heart After a few more meetings, I finally invited her to have dinner with me She accepted Everything went well during dinner and seemed to enjoy the food Finally, I told her about my search“That’s amazing (令人惊奇的)!” she said “I’ve just come into a lot of money, too, and I have decided to go round the world in search of the perfect man I think I’ve found him”Question:
When Edward the Confessor died,()was chosen by the Witan as king Of England.
I had no ______of who I was or what I was going to be.
The defences and limits of liability()in this bill of lading shall apply in any action against the carrier for loss of or damage to the goods whether the action be founded in contract or in tort.
It was no _______ that his car was seen near the bank at the time of the robbery.
I feel it's an honor()to attend the opening ceremony of the new bank.
The Bank of England was founded in()
()was the founder of the Plantagenet dynasty and ruled England for 35 years.
