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(1).  Max likes to learn English by ______.(本题2.0分)

2021-07-17 20:13
A、always speaking in English
B、learning new words by hearing them
C、watching TV and movies in English
D、All of the above.



2Of course,the best way to learn English varies______person to person
Compared ______ English, Chinese is generally believed to be more difficult to learn
8. Could you give me _______ advice on how to learn English?
Our likes and ______are all related to social contexts and learning experiences.
39.— _________ have you been learning English? .—I have been learning English for six years.
English learning strategies do NOT include _______.
( )Many pictures in the book “Learning How to Learn” can __________.
1. —Would you like to go on vacation with me?—_________.
You should learn to take _____________of every opportunity to improve your oral English.
—Does she like singing English songs?—Yes. She ______ to sing English songs in her room.
(单项选择)I’ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means ___________ with my progress.
MINI-LECTURE 1 MINI-LECTURE 1   How Practice Can Damage Your English  I. Newinterpretations of speaking and writing in learning English  A.Speakingand writing stand for mistakes making  —Speakingand writing (1) ______the mistakes          (1) ______  —Incorrectsentences occur when writing  —Later,a bad habit formed: making the same mistakes  B.The more(2) ______, the worse English becomes        (2) ______  C.Solutionto the problem: never make mistakes  —writesimple but correct sentences  —addmore (3) ______ones gradually               (3) ______  —copyonly correct sentences from the beginning  D.Speakingand writing: not the way to (4) ______mistakes    (4) ______  —speaking:unlikely to improve grammar or vocabulary  —(5) ______: likely to correct English sentences       (5) ______  —people:likely to correct a few mistakes but not many  Ⅱ.Conclusion: (6) ______                   (6) ______  A.The use ofrules of error-free speaking  —don’topen the mouth at the very beginning  —getmore input by reading and listening in English  —follow(7) ______to learn                   (7) ______  B.Thetechniques to learn the correct usage of English  —(8) ______may tell the correct usage             (8) ______  —theother person may tell how to use  —learnthe correct way to speak  C.The (9)______to use this technique              (9) ______  —alreadyknow your saying is wrong  —theother person will correct you when making mistakes  —rise it only (10) ______                  (10) ______