首页/ 题库 / [单选题]13.  I tried ha的答案
13.  I tried hard, but I couldn’t find the __________to the problem.(本题2.0分)
I didn't understand at first why he couldn't pass the test, no matter _________ hard he had tried.
No matter _________ hard I try, I can never catch up with him. ( )
I tried hard, but I couldn’t find the __________to the problem.
I’ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means ___________ with my progress.
They talked in whispers, but still, I couldn’t help but __________ their conversation.
I _______ apply for the job, but I haven.t decided yet.
I followed her _______ but I still couldn.t work out how to use the sewing machine.
I couldn.t find _____, and so I took this one.
I tried hard to get some information about the new technology out of his mouth, but he remained________.( )
I really don’t want to go to the party, but I don’t see how I can _______ it.
I don.t ______ the writer, but I ________ him.
— You should have thanked her before she left. — I meant_______, but when I was leaving I couldn.t find her anywhere.
I didn’t mean ______ anything, but these apples looked so good I couldn’t resist ______ one
2Why didn’t you try to finish the composition I tried to, but ______ I could, the bell rang announcing the end of the examination time(5分)
His name was on the ________ of my tongue, but I just couldn’t remember it
I looked for my key _____________, but I couldn’t find it
----I have tried very hard to find a solution to the problem, but in vain ----why not consult with Frank? You see, _________.
Admittedly,I could have tried__________but I still don’t think all this blame is fair. 
His name was just on the________ of my tongue,but I just couldn’t remember it.
