首页/ 题库 / [单选题]1. There are a lot o的答案

1. There are a lot of _________in our school. They work very hard.

2022-01-04 20:21
A、woman teachers
B、women teachers
C、womens teachers
D、women teacher


1.B【解析】女教师的复数形式是两个名词都变复数, woman的复数为women,故选B。


— I suppose there'll be a lot of arguments.

— __________________

There ________ be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practised a lot in the driving school.
About __________ of the books in our school library are written in Chinese.
An offer of a reward has caused many students in our school _____ actively in the competition.
There are a lot of news ______today's newspaper.
There are __________ days in a year.
There are a lot of news ______today\'s newspaper.
Bob is one of the ______ in our school.
There are twelve ______ in a year.
______ girl over there is ______ popular student in our school.
There are ______ days in a week.
There are _______ days in a year.
There are __________ months in a year. December is the __________ month of the year.
There are a lot of _______for presents for birthday party.
)In these days, much of the __1___of a business--- sometimes the whole of its success---depend __2__ the use of the odds and ends. The odds and ends are various __3___ things. They are left over when the main thing is produced. Yet they have a real value __4___ their own. All kinds of big businesses have their odds and ends. In a big meal factory , __5___ example , there are countless odds and ends---bones and hair , to __6___ only a few. The bones are made into glue; the hair is made into rope. If these odds and ends were to be __7___ down upon , it would mean a big __8___ in the amount of the profit of the factory. We students have our own odds and ends. Take time __9___ instance. Every one of us has the same amount of it. Our success or failure depends on the __10___ of our time. (1). ①( )
There are many different “_______” of management in a tall structure.
There are many different __________ of management in a tall structure. 回答
There’s lots of fruit ____________ the tree Our little cat is also ___________ the tree
39There are a lot of improvements in the care of old people and the old people’s health _______ (Old Age and Health)
4. There _________a mouse in our house. Look,our food is destroyed.
