首页/ 题库 / [单选题]Not until she arrive的答案

He ordered that nothing ________ until the police arrived.

Not until she arrived at the meeting room ________ she had forgotten to bring the document.

Not until the game had begun _____ at the sports ground.

(单项选择)There are two __________ people in the meeting room.
The chairman thought ____________ necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting.
Not until she arrived at the meeting room ________ she had forgotten to bring the document
It was proposed that the matter ___________ looked into at the next meeting
The show _______ by the time we arrive at the theatre.
Not until she arrived at the meeting room ________ she had forgotten to bring the document
Not until she arrived at the meeting room ________ she had forgotten to bring the document.
It was not until she had arrived home __________ remembered her appointment with the doctor.
He left orders that nothing ______ until the police arrived.
It was not until Mary arrived at the theatre _______ she realized she had forgotten her ticket.
Mary _______ the meeting yesterday. She was in the hospital.
It was not until he arrived at the station ___________ he realized he had forgotten his ticket
— I wonder if Julie will arrive at five thirty as she said this morning. —____________
—She may not be free today. —________, we.ll have to put the meeting off.
Let.s discuss these problems at the meeting, __________?
A _______of red arrows on the wall point the way to the meeting room [
Dr Black proposed that we ___________the meeting until next week
