首页/ 题库 / [单选题]Dear Linda,I’ve got 的答案

Dear Linda,I’ve got a problem and as.l don't know what to do,l think I'd write to you and ask for your advice.I have worked at a (11) factory for about two months till now.It's a part-time job,so I only work in the evening.I've recently (12) that one of my workmates is stealing. From time to time,l notice that he puts a piece of meat under his trousers just (13) he leaves the facto- ry. Now the manager has found that things are (14) . But he says that all this (15) after I started working.What should I do? Maybe I (16) tell that workmate I knew (17) he was doing. Or possibly I should go to the manager and tell him who was (18)meat.I think I-m in a(n) (19) position. Please tell me how I can solve this problem.I'd like to have your (20) .Best wishes,Yours,Carl( )11.

2022-01-05 18:17



-I've got a terrible pain in my arm. -().
Dear Linda,I’ve got a problem and as.l don't know what to do,l think I'd write to you and ask for your advice.I have worked at a (11) factory for about two months till now.It's a part-time job,so I only work in the evening.I've recently (12) that one of my workmates is stealing. From time to time,l notice that he puts a piece of meat under his trousers just (13) he leaves the facto- ry. Now the manager has found that things are (14) . But he says that all this (15) after I started working.What should I do? Maybe I (16) tell that workmate I knew (17) he was doing. Or possibly I should go to the manager and tell him who was (18)meat.I think I-m in a(n) (19) position. Please tell me how I can solve this problem.I'd like to have your (20) .Best wishes,Yours,Carl( )11.
I don't understand what the engineer means, but I’ve got rough idea of
----I’m afraid I’ve got a bad cold .---- _____.
Husband: Oh, dear, my eyes are really sore.  Wife: ______.  Husband: Yes, and I’ve got a runny nose, too.  Wife: Hmm, I can see that. Do you suffer from hay fever?  Husband: Not usually, no. Maybe I should go and see the doctor.  Wife: Yes, then she can give you a prescription for the chemist’s.
()the've got to know each other a little better, they get along just fine.
I borrowed a book from Linda.→ Linda ____ a book.
M: I’m afraid I only speak English, and a little school French, ‘O’ level French—um…. I only really speak, speak English.  W: I’ve got a Spanish father and as a boy I learnt______. I also can speak French quite well and Italian, and I’ m not bad at German either.
—My whole body feels weak and I've got a headache. — ________?
I have an urgent problem and I need to call my parents, but I’m afraid I haven’t got ______ change—only a £10 note. Will you do me a ______ ?
-I've got a terrible pain in my arm. -().
W: Do, you want to go for a walk?  M: No, I’ve got far too much work to do.  W: Oh please, It’s a lovely day.  M: I know, ______?
—What’s the matter with you? —I’ve got a bad cough
"—What’s the matter with you? —I’ve got a bad cough"
What a bad memory I’ve got! I even forgot ______ the book with me.
Don't you know _____, my dear friend, it is you that she loves?
We’ve got a team of experts working on the problems-let’s wait and see whatthey ____.
—I'm afraid I've got a bad cold. —________.
—I\'m afraid I\'ve got a bad cold. —________.
Some say yes and others say no; I don't know ()to follow.
—I.m afraid I.ve got a bad cold. —________.
-Dad, I.ve got an "A" in the math exam. -Great. And I.m sure you will do better, because this is a good _________.
Speaker a: i’ve got a fever and a really bad headache. Speaker b: ______
Customer: ______ if you.d serve me as quickly as possible as i.ve got an appointment at two fifteen. Waiter: i.ll do my best, madam.
— Oh dear! I.ve just broken a window. — _______! It can.t be helped.
I.ve been walking round town all day and got very , I. m looking forward to a rest at home.
I’ve got a sore throat and temperature. 我的喉咙痛,还发烧。
So I was full of trouble, full as I could be; and didnt know what to do At last I had an idea; and I says, Ill go and write the letter-- and then see if I can pray Why, it was astomishing, the way I felt as light as a feather, right off, and my troubels all gone So I got a piece of paper and a pencil, all glad and excited, and set down and wrote Questions:
42As __ as I know, she is a good girl
Frank: Hey, John. What makes you so happy?John: You know what. I've just got a new job with a computer company.Frank: _________!
Heather: Look, I've got a problem here. Will you help me?Rebecca: , but I'll try.
I've got two tickets for the match. Shall we go and watch it together? ()
