首页/ 题库 / [单选题]3. The apples are __的答案
Look! The boy students are _______ football while the girls are _______.

The firefighters are going to ______________ the cause of the fire.

The __________ are eating _________ at the foot of the mountain.

Lots of birds were flying among the trees branches. What a(n) ___________ view!
According to the third paragraph, birds including geese are used in many ways except ________.( )
The teacher as well as the students ________ planting trees.( )
________ all over the hills and around the river are all kinds of wild flowers. ( )
The caterpillars (毛虫) _______ a wide range of trees, shrubs and plants.
There are three major political parties in Australia, the Labor Party, the Liberal Party, and the ________ Party.
There are three major political parties in Australia, the Labor Party, the Liberal Party, and the ________ Party.
There is an apple ______ the tree.
________ all over the hills and around the lake are wild flowers of different colors.
The researchers are more and more ______ the environmental pollution.( )
There are many birds singing ________ the trees.
All over the world, trees are being cut down _______ than they are being planted.
)In these days, much of the __1___of a business--- sometimes the whole of its success---depend __2__ the use of the odds and ends. The odds and ends are various __3___ things. They are left over when the main thing is produced. Yet they have a real value __4___ their own. All kinds of big businesses have their odds and ends. In a big meal factory , __5___ example , there are countless odds and ends---bones and hair , to __6___ only a few. The bones are made into glue; the hair is made into rope. If these odds and ends were to be __7___ down upon , it would mean a big __8___ in the amount of the profit of the factory. We students have our own odds and ends. Take time __9___ instance. Every one of us has the same amount of it. Our success or failure depends on the __10___ of our time. (1). ①( )
The new president said she would _________ herself to protecting the rights of the old and the homeless, who are otherwise helpless and vulnerable
6There are many trees on ______ side of the street
_____ of the two brothers would like to take _____ of the two apples on the table (单选)—4分
There’s lots of fruit ____________ the tree Our little cat is also ___________ the tree
