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Quizzes are part of the lecture program to keep students engaged and keep them _________, for students to be able to check that they understood what was covered.

类Teacher和Student都是类Person的子类,进行如下声明:Person p;Teacher t;Student s;p,t和s都是非空值if (t instanceof Person) { s = (Student)t;}这个语句产生的结果是:( )
The little boy won’t go to sleep _________his mother tells him a story.
I called ____ him to keep his promise.( )
Wu Dong was ________ tired that he couldn’t keep his eyes open.
Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used()(习惯了学生迟到) his lecture.
Professor Wang,__________ for his informative lectures,was warmly received by his students.
What made Professor Broad continue his search for more information on McKay?
20. Williams did not realise his loss for several days because _________.
Neither the students nor the professor______ anything about it.
[单选题,1.3分] Although ____my opinion, the older professor didn’t come up whit his own.
Could you please tell me where _____ find Professor Smith? His wife has just called his office.
Although punctual himself , the professor was quite used late for his lecture .
The professor has given the students a list of articles ( ) the topic under discussion.
Professor Clark continued his research work and ( ) his colleague....s advice.
keeps his shirts in.
Professor Wang , ()for his informative lectures, was warmly received by his students. 选项
30 The little boy won’t go to sleep his mother tells him a story.
Professor Wang ,()for his informative lectures, was warmly received by his students.
Why did the professor study the Brazilian students' behavior?
