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According to the second paragraph, landgrant college .

2022-01-06 05:38
A、[A] belonged to the landowning class
B、[B] enlarged the scope of education
C、[C] was provided only to the poor
D、[D] benefited all but the upper class


细节题。根据题干landgrant college定位到原文第二段第二句话:国家赠予土地的学校的建立为那些来自非盎格鲁—萨克逊血统、工人阶级和中下层背景的贫穷但有抱负的男孩们敞开了享受高等教育的大门。由此可知,[B]项为正确答案。作者提到为穷人提供了更多的机会,却并未说明只有穷人才能从中获益,也并未把上层社会的人排除在外,因此[C]和[D] 错误。[A] 项中土地所有者阶级在文中没有提及。

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In the second paragraph, the phrase “worship and rest” refers to_______.
In the third sentence of the second paragraph,"them" refers to _____ [
58 . What does “to do that” refer to in the second paragraph?
According to the second paragraph, Jack Lindsay firmly believes in______.
The problem, according to the experts, is () we should do with the salty land.
Which of the following is NOT true according to the last paragraph?( )
According to the last paragraph, which of the following will be accepted by the author?
The purpose of the second paragraph is mainly to illustrate __.
The purpose of two questions in the second paragraph is to ________.
The underline word “it” in the second paragraph refers to “ ” .
Striking in the second paragraph is used to mean ______.
According to the second paragraph, the 50 to 60 booking phone calls are from those who ______.
Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 3?
According to the second paragraph, landgrant college .
