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● The basic unit of measure in a computer system is the(72). It is the smallest unit in computing. There are some other measures in a computer, such as Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte and so on.(72)

2022-01-06 10:23



The heart of any computer system is the central processing unit (CPU).
( ) The basic unit of information in computer. It usually consists of eight binary bits.
This type of system which ______in the United Kingdom has been widely used throughout Europe and is gaining in popularity in the United States of America and Japan
Earth-like planets are extremely common in the Universe, ______ the latest computer simulation of the formation of the Solar System
()are used widely in the operation of warehouse and distribution center andform the basic handling device for a number of selection system.
The pressure head of a pump is given in the unit of ().
The pressure head of a water pump is given in the unit of ().
The unit of duration of a dash in Morse Code is().
A variety of tools is available to help the analyst to discover the users&39; true needs. These tools are grouped into three broad techniques that are based on the degree of change anticipated in the to-be system - Business process( )is used when the basic business Requirements outlined in the system request focus on employing computer technology in some aspect of the business process. Two popular activities used in the technique are( ). Business process( )means that the basic business requirements target moderate changes to the organization&39; s operations. ( )are three popular activities in the technique. Business process( )means changing the current way of doing business and making major changes to take advantage of new ideas and new technology.
With respect to a computer file system, an access control list (ACL) is a list of permissions attached to an object. Which of the following makes forwarding decisions in hardware?()
A cutoff valve in the fire-main system of a ship may be closed to protect the portion of the system on an exposed deck from().
In a centrifugal Freon refrigeration system, the overall capacity of the system is increased by()
The term computer describes a device made up of a combination of electronic and electromechanical components. By itself, a computer has no( )and is referred to as hardware, which means simply the physical equipment. The hardware can&39;t be used until it is connected to other elements, all of which constitute the six parts of a computer-based information system, hardware, software, data/information, people, procedures and communications. A system is defined as a collection of related components that( )to perform a task in order to accomplish a goal. Any organization that uses information technology will have a computer-based information system to provide managers (and various categories of employees) with the appropriate kind of information to help them make decisions. Systems analysis and design is to ascertain how a system works and then take steps to make it ( )Often, a system approach is used to define, describe, and solve a problem or to meet a(an)( ) From time to time, organizations need to( )their information systems, in, response to new marketing&39; opportunities, modified government regulations, the introduction .of new technology, merger with another company, or other developments. When change is needed, the time is ripe for applying the principles of systems analysis and design.
第一组An automatic system usually consists of a control system and an information system. A control system is a system which measures the condition of some entity and, with the information, governs the state of a variable; i.e., speed, temperature, pressure, position, etc. The open-loop system is the simplest form. a control system may assume. It is distinguished from the closed-loop system by the lack of an input which measures the state of the controlled variable; such an input is called a feedback. In modern ships the open-loop system has practically disappeared and the closed-loop system which operates with a feed-back is extensively used. An information system serves the parallel function of monitoring system or plant performance. The monitoring function may serve a number of purposes; specifically it may indicate values of controlled variables to guide remote control operations, warn of off-limit conditions and provide record of performance. In many cases a visual and audible alarm may be provided to warn of off-limit conditions on board ship and, associated with this, the important variables will be recorded on demand. The automatic control system can be more sophisticated by incorporating digital-processing equipment, that is, a computer. This computer is usually fed with signals from all sensors. It scans the values of the sensors and generates alarm signals for off-limit conditions, acting as a super-supervisor. Sometimes, it can even make necessary and take the necessary action to optimize performance without human intervention.The closed-loop system differs from the open-loop system by
The line of computing jobs waiting to be run on a computer system might be a ______. The jobs are serviced in the order of their arrival, that is, the first in is the first out.
● (73) manages the other components of a computer system.
● The basic unit of measure in a computer system is the(72). It is the smallest unit in computing. There are some other measures in a computer, such as Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte and so on.(72)
The basic unit of measure in a computer system is the(72). It is the smallest unit in computing. There are some other measures in a computer, such as Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte and so on.
● The line of computing jobs waiting to be run on a computer system might be a (71) . The jobs are serviced in the order of their arrival, that is, the first in is the first out.(71)
The line of computing jobs waiting to be run on a computer system might be a(71). The jobs are serviced in the order of their arrival,that is,the first in is the first out.
