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Why didn’t的答案


–Would you like to come to my house for dinner Sunday night?

– _________________

The reason why he didn’t come to school was _________ he was ill.

It is the ability to do the job ______ matters not where you come from or what you are.

— How could you say that?

— _______ I didn’t mean to hurt you.

— Why didn't you come to my birthday party yesterday?
— ____________

— She didn’t come to school yesterday, did she?

— ______, though she was not feeling well. 

I _______ you with the funds. Why didn’t you ask me
---Peter, why didn’t you go to the flower show?
---I think it was something ___ pleasant.
— Why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday? — ____________________
--Why haven\'t you asked her to come here?  

--She _______ an important experiment when I found her and she _____ it

You should learn through failures. Why don\'t you _____ your plan or try a new approach?

I can' t__________you that I' 11 be able to come,but I' 11 do my best.
[单选题,1.3分] Although ____my opinion, the older professor didn’t come up whit his own.
You didn’t keep your _______that you would come.
8. W: Why didn’t you go to the hokey finals last weekend? _______. M: Oh, come on. You know how sensitive I am to loud noise.( )
---I didn’t go to Mary’s party last night because my car broke down. ---You could have borrowed mine. I _ it.
Why didn’t you go for a walk? It’ll give you a(n) ____ for your lunch.
The self-important manager didn’t seem to attach much importance to my advice .
If you wanted me to go, why didn’t you say so ________ instead of making vague hints
一Why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday 一
